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Старый 09.03.2007, 22:00
Наталья П. Наталья П. вне форума
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Конференции, форумы зарубежные

As someone who may be interested in health research I thought I would pass on the details of this essay competition which is jointly sponsored by the Global Forum for Health Research and The Lancet.

Please also pass it on to anyone you feel would be interested as soon as possible as the deadline for entries is 20th April 2007.

Young voices in research for health

The Global Forum for Health Research and The Lancet are sponsoring their second joint essay competition on the occasion of Forum 11 the 2007 annual meeting of the Global Forum for Health Research in Beijing, People's Republic of China, 29 October to 2 November 2007.

Entries are invited from young professionals working in or interested in the broad spectrum of health research for development relating to some aspect of the overall theme of Forum 11

Equitable access: research challenges for health in developing countries

Rules, guidelines, principles, timeframe and prizes

-Essays should be no more than 1500 words and should be written in English.
-Essays must be based on the author’s own ideas and not be derived from another source.
-They should not have been previously published.
-They should include original, even provocative ideas and not be technical or academic texts: tables, charts, figures and references are probably not necessary.
-Authors are free to be idealistic, passionate, to take established practices to task, albeit in a constructive fashion.
-Entries are individual.
-Each author may submit one essay only.
-Authors should have been born on or after 1 January 1977.
-The deadline for receipt of entries is 20 April 2007.
-A shortlist will be announced by the end of June. Shortlisted authors will be asked to provide a high quality photograph and to confirm original authorship and date of birth.
-The winners will be notified by the beginning of August 2007. The judges’ decision will be final.
-A selection of shortlisted essays will be published in an anthology.
-Winning essays will also be published on the Lancet website and their authors invited to take part in Forum 11 with all expenses paid.

Staff members of the Global Forum or of the Lancet or their immediate families are ineligible to enter the competition, as are authors of commended and winning entries from 2006.

For full details and submission of entries, see
[Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ].
Старый 12.03.2007, 22:13
Наталья П. Наталья П. вне форума
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International conference on Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity:
Should we count, how should we count and why?

International conference organized jointly by the Quebec Inter-University Centre for Social Statistics (QICSS, Montrйal) and the Institut national d’йtudes dйmographiques (INED, Paris)

Montrйal, December 6-8, 2007 - Call for Papers

Website: [Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ]

The main objective of the International conference is to establish links between the production, analysis, uses and interpretation of social statistics related to ethnic diversity.

More specifically, the Conference aims to address the following questions:

- Should we count? This is essentially an ethical issue. Does distinguishing and characterizing populations according to their ethnic origins constitute a risk of stigmatization or is it, on the contrary, an asset for measuring and explaining discrimination and for demanding more inclusive policies?

- How to count? Here, the focus is on methodological considerations. There are many ways to measure ethnic origin and discrimination: what are the best and most common practices in this area, taking into account the historical, socio-economic and political specificities of each society?

- Who is and who is not counted? This question is an extension of the preceding one and aims at identifying biases and limitations in official statistics. Who is not counted is very revealing of the political criteria underlying methodological choices.

- Why count? What are the characteristics of legal, social and economic integration and non-integration (discrimination)? Is it possible (desirable?) to develop internationally comparable indicators of integration? What rights should be granted to the different categories of migrants (permanent, temporary, refugees, irregular, etc.)? All questions that require innovative data sources (e.g. administrative data and longitudinal surveys) whose future orientation needs careful consideration.

The Conference aims to encourage international exchanges in order to document the diversity of situations, namely:

- the experience of countries of immigration (Canada, the United States, Australia, etc.) - the European experience

- the experience of countries of the South (Africa, Latin America, Asia, etc.).

The Conference also aims to generate debate between the many different actors involved:

- organizations that produce statistics - researchers - users (including civil society, in particular NGOs involved in anti-discrimination activities).

Submissions of Proposals
This conference aspires to bring together decision makers, policy analysts, community workers, and scholars (including students). Persons interested in submitting a paper proposal should send a one-page abstract (around 500 words) by May 1st, 2007 simultaneously to the three following addresses: [Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ]; [Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ]; [Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ].
Presentations can be made in French or English. Authors will be notified of acceptance by June 1st, 2007.

Financial Support for Students

Students whose papers are accepted may be eligible for some financial support.


For more information, contact Amйlie Gagnon (coordinator) at [Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ] or consult the conference’s ([Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ]), the QICSS’ ([Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ]) or the INED’s ([Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ]) websites.
Старый 11.05.2007, 09:26
Наталья П. Наталья П. вне форума
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Методика написания исследовательских работ в медицине и науках о жизни на
английском языке

В Осло 20го сентября 2007 года состоится однодневный семинар, который предлагает рекомендации для исследователей, преподавателей высшей школы, медицинских работников общего профиля и специалистов, а также других лиц, заинтереснованных в медицинской терминологии и стилистике английского языка.
Стоимость участия -2450 норвежских крон.

Style of medical and life-science writing in English
A seminar offering guidelines to researchers, teachers in higher education, general and specialist medical staff and others interested in medical English, will be arranged in Oslo, 20th September 2007.

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Старый 04.08.2007, 10:25
Наталья П. Наталья П. вне форума
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9th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology

Dates: 04/13/2008 - 04/17/2008
Event Type: Conference Subject: Cultural Factors; Gender Factors; Medical Treatments and Therapies; Psychological Factors; Research; Sexuality; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; STD Prevention
Sponsor: European Federation of Sexology (EFS).
Contact: For more information contact the Organizing Secretariat,
AIM Congress - AIM Group, Via A. Ristori, 38, 00197 Rome, Italy; E-mail:
[Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ]; Phone: +39 06 809681; Fax: +39 06 80968229 or +39 06 23325621;
or access the website: [Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ] .
City: Rome
Country: Italy

Early registration deadline: December 17, 2007.

Description: The Conference theme, Therapy, Prevention and Promotion of
sexual well-being, provides a special opportunity to exchange and improve
participants' scientific knowledge of female and male sexuality within a
wide framework where the quality of life has to be prominent.
Topics to be discussed at this conference include basic research in
sexology, sexual dysfunctions, medical aspects of sexuality, pharmacology, other medical supports for sexual well-being, sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS, psychological approaches and integrative models, paraphilias and forensic sexology, gender identity disorders, couple and sexuality, sexual orientation, cultures, ethics and sexuality, and sexual health: prevention and promotion

Registration at reduced fee is possible for residents from the following
developing countries
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Старый 14.08.2007, 08:19
Наталья П. Наталья П. вне форума
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IHRA and the Conference Consortium are pleased to announce the launch of
[Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ]
- the new website for "Harm Reduction 2008:
IHRA's 19th International Conference" (11 - 15 May 2008; Barcelona, Spain). The website will contain all of the information that you will need about the event, the registration process, the programme, abstract submission, travel and accommodation - as well as an archive of information from the previous 18 IHRA conferences.
Старый 14.08.2007, 08:24
Наталья П. Наталья П. вне форума
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International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care
23-25 April 2008
Le Palais des Congrиs de Paris
[Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ]

Deadline 08 October 2007 - midday GMT

We are inviting you to submit an abstract to be considered for
presentation at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care.

This is a particularly exciting year for potential presenters. We are able to accept many more abstracts as we have more opportunities, and anticipate having several more categories - ranging from oral presentations, chaired poster sessions, poster displays and moderated "show and tell" discussion groups. We are interested in hearing from you if you have new work with results to present or you might want to tell us about important cultural or leadership initiatives that have stimulated change (and whether that change was an improvement). Perhaps you have a new tool or method that you have employed and you want to share experiences and results?

The Forum is open to all, and is relevant to both beginners and those experienced in improvement work. This year we aim to be more inclusive, and to attract previously unrepresented organisations and countries. We particularly encourage submissions from those who may be first time submitters, have had abstracts previously rejected, or are new to the quality/safety field. Detailed instructions for submission are at
[Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ],
and we will soon be providing an online educational tool on
which will help you write your abstract

If you want to find out more about the Forum, or need some inspiration, you can view the webcast from this year's event in Barcelona online
[Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ]

In the meantime, here are five good reasons to submit an abstract:

* Showcase your achievements to key international opinion leaders
* Communicate your organisation's work
* Enhance your organisation's profile
* Network with others in your area/field
* Share your success, learn from your failures
Старый 01.12.2007, 15:53
Наталья П. Наталья П. вне форума
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The site is a portal with browse and search engine functions providing free online linkages to a comprehensive collection of top-quality courses and references in medicine, public health, nursing, and other health sciences disciplines...
Founding collaborators for this site are the American College of Preventive Medicine, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the University of British Columbia (UBC), the World Bank, and WHO...

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Beta Site
Only primarily HIV information is currently available. A full spectrum of Health Sciences courses and references should be available later in 2007.
Старый 29.01.2008, 13:34
Наталья П. Наталья П. вне форума
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World Health Care Congress Europe 2008
[Ссылки доступны только зарегистрированным пользователям ]

Organised under the high patronage of the European Commission, the German Federal Ministry of Health and presented for the 4th consecutive year, the World Health Care Congress Europe is the only major international forum where over 600 health leaders share best practices and successful initiatives for improved delivery and outcomes in Europe. Participating thought leaders include health ministers, leading government officials, hospital directors, IT innovators, decision makers from public and private insurance funds, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, and heath care industry suppliers.

The event is scheduled 10-12 March 2008 in Berlin, Germany.
Early bird registration - till January 31, 2008

Four focused summits will give attendees a unique opportunity to discuss challenges in depth and determine actionable plans with their peers:

Chronic Disease Management
Implementing Health IT
Reforming Health Insurance and Improving Financial Performance
Improving Quality and Patient Safety
Старый 06.03.2008, 11:05
Аватар для Hard
Hard Hard вне форума ВРАЧ
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Hard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форуме
Сегодня получил приглашение от James Randi Educational Foundation.
The Amaz!ng Meeting 2008
I, Skeptic: Modern Skepticism in the Internet Age
Las Vegas, June 19 - 22, 2008

Информация на сайте
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Старый 02.05.2009, 07:26
Аватар для Hard
Hard Hard вне форума ВРАЧ
Кандидат в ветераны форума
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Hard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеHard этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форуме
Lightbulb James Randi Educational Foundation

Ежегодная конференция антишарлатанского фонда Джеймса Рэнди

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The Amaz!ng Meeting 7, a conference on critical thinking.
Las Vegas, July 9-12, 2009

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Старый 23.07.2010, 13:43
Аватар для Iluhin
Iluhin Iluhin вне форума
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Илюхин Евгений Аркадьевич
Старый 15.08.2011, 13:04
Аватар для FRSM
 FRSM  FRSM вне форума
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FRSM этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеFRSM этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеFRSM этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеFRSM этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеFRSM этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеFRSM этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеFRSM этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеFRSM этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеFRSM этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеFRSM этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форумеFRSM этот участник имеет превосходную репутацию на форуме
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Sclerosis 2011:
strategies for treatment and
patient support
Hallam Conference Centre, London
7th December 2011
Benefits of attending Multiple Sclerosis 2011:
• Increase understanding of the latest research in epidemiology and
environmental factors in multiple sclerosis (MS), including the link
between Vitamin D to MS susceptibility
• Hear updates on neuroimmunology and brain imaging and its role in
the diagnosis and management of MS
• Evaluate the latest disease-modifying therapies including a session on oral
medication for MS and an update on clinical trials of promising treatments
• Gain insights into the management of some of the complications of MS
including bladder and bowel control, the use of new technologies for
difficult to treat MS symptoms and the relationship between MS and
mental health
• Evaluate ways of managing and supporting patients with MS, from dealing
with relapses to the palliative care needs of the advanced MS patient
• Share and exchange ideas with the leading practitioners in the field

7th December AM
08.00 – 08.55 Registration & refreshments
08.55 – 09.00 Welcome & introduction
Causes and diagnosis
09.00 – 09.30 Review of epidemiology and environmental
factors in MS
Professor George Ebers
Action Research Professor of Clinical Neurology & Group Head,
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford
09.30 – 10.00 Dysregulated innate immune responses in
active MS lesions: does latent Epstein-Barr virus
infection contribute to neuroinflammation?
Dr Ute-Christiane Meier
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Blizard Institute of Cell and
Molecular Science, Barts and The London School of Medicine
and Dentistry
10.00 – 10.30 Brain imaging and its role in diagnosis and
disease management
Dr Peter Brex
Consultant Neuroradiologist, King’s College Hospital, London
10.30 – 11.00 How can we improve the diagnosis process – is
early diagnosis important?
Dr Waqar Rashid
Consultant Neurologist & Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer,
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
11.00 – 11.15 Discussion
11.15 – 11.45 Refreshments and exhibition viewing
Multiple Sclerosis treatment
11.45 – 12.15 Oral medication for MS
Professor David Bates
Professor of Clinical Neurology, Royal Victoria Infirmary, The
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
12.15 – 12.45 Disease modifying therapies in MS: controversies
and challenges
Dr Raj Kapoor
Consultant Neurologist, National Hospital for Neurology and
Neurosurgery, London
12.45 – 13.15 Update on clinical trials of promising treatments
and how to convert this into practice
Dr Sue Pavitt
Reader in Applied Health Sciences, University of Leeds & Chair,
Clinical Research Network, MS Society
13.15 – 13.30 Discussion
13.30 – 14.20 Lunch and exhibition viewing

7th December PM
How to manage complications of
Multiple Sclerosis
14.20 – 14.50 New technologies for difficult to treat MS
Dr Rosie Jones
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Frenchay Hospital, North
Bristol NHS Trust
14.50 – 15.20 Bladder and bowel control
Sue Woodward
Lecturer, Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery,
King’s College London
15.20 – 15.50 Mental health and MS
Dr Eli Silber
Consultant Neurologist, King’s College Hospital, London
15.50 – 16.05 Discussion
16.05 – 16.25 Refreshments and exhibition viewing
Management and support
16.25 – 16.55 Relapses in MS – what are they and what can
we do?
Dr Jeremy Chataway
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Imperial College Healthcare NHS
Trust & Consultant Neurologist, The National Hospital for
Neurology and Neurosurgery, University College Foundation
NHS Trust, London
16.55 – 17.25 Supportive and palliative care needs for the
advanced MS patient
Dr Sarah Callin
Consultant in Palliative Medicine, St Catherine’s Hospice,
17.25 – 17.35 Discussion and close of conference
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