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Старый 08.07.2004, 18:09
Void Void вне форума Пол мужской
Регистрация: 02.07.2004
Сообщений: 3
Void о репутации этого участника нельзя сказать ничего определенного
Сообщение от Mikhail
Я даже не буду обсуждать дизайн, контороль, и т.д.

In the last two years over twenty cases diagnosed with MS have come under my care. It is difficult to precisely quantify and qualify the results obtained for a whole group without reviewing each case individually. However, attempting to give a broad summation I can report 50% excellent to very good results, 35% good to fair, and 15% poor to no results.

By "excellent to very good results" are meant cases which demonstrated under pure homeopathic treatment dramatic changes in signs, symptoms and the course of their conditions, and in which there were unexpected uphill recoveries with rare exacebertions, mild if any. These include some early cases and advanced cases, but mostly chronic cases in the exacerbation-remission phase.

In the "good to fair results" group, the changes are less dramatic but nonetheless remarkable, and exacerbations decrease in frequency, intensity and duration, but can still produce severe drawbacks. More patience and care must be paid by both the physician and the patient in such cases.

In the "poor to no results" group are cases generally in the advanced progressive state, often bedridden, with almost total paralysis, or cases presenting defective illness. In some cases of this last group remarkable psychological and functional improvement are noted but with little or no improvement of the physical disability.

Я, конечно, не Артемий, с его знанием Английского, но покажите мне, где здесь указано об ИЗЛЕЧЕНИИ?
Удлинение интервалов между обстрениями? Но точно такие же статьи с томи же результатами есть и в классической неврологии.
1. dramatic changes in signs, symptoms and the course of their conditions

2. rare exacebertions, mild if any

это совсем не "удлинение интервалов между обстрениями".
перечитайте еще раз.
за подробностями, думаю, нужно обращаться к д-ру Андрэ.
учитывая сложность заболевания, вероятно, окончательное излечение еще впереди
в тексте встречается также:

"In 1925, Rorke, a British homeopath and physician to the Royal family reported that seven cases treated for an MS condition, three had complete recovery, three were much improved and there was little or no change in one case.35"

опять, же за подробностями не ко мне.
чем могу...

p.s. хорошо, что Вы не стали обсуждать дизайн.