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Старый 04.09.2003, 13:21
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Уважаемый Алексей Живов!

Попробую прояснить Вам ситуацию по отдельным пунктам о иогуртах (о капсульных стандартизированных препаратах речь не ведем) на примере инопримеров (дабы Вы не говорили, что это мое личное или частное мнение):
об одновременном назначении иогуртов

J Antimicrob Chemother. 2003 Aug;52(2):308-11.
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus F19 prevent antibiotic-associated ecological disturbances of Bacteroides fragilis in the intestine.
Sullivan A, Barkholt L, Nord CE.
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Huddinge University Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, SE-141 86 Stockholm, Sweden.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare the effect of clindamycin on the intestinal microflora in subjects ingesting yogurt with added probiotic microorganisms with the microflora in subjects ingesting placebo yogurt. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-four healthy subjects were included in the study. All subjects received 150 mg clindamycin four times daily for 7 days and 250 ml yogurt twice daily for 14 days. Faecal samples were collected before, during and after administration of clindamycin. RESULTS: In the aerobic intestinal microflora, the numbers of enterococci increased after treatment in both groups, whereas other Gram-positive microorganisms decreased. In both groups, the numbers of Escherichia coli also decreased, whereas there was a concomitant increase in numbers of other Gram-negative bacilli. In the anaerobic microflora in subjects receiving yogurt with added microorganisms, the numbers of lactobacilli and bacteroides remained at the same levels throughout the study, whereas the numbers decreased in the placebo group. Other anaerobic bacteria decreased in both groups. The minimum inhibitory concentration of clindamycin against strains of bacteroides increased in both groups during the study. CONCLUSIONS: The probiotic microorganisms evaluated in this study prevented ecological disturbances in the numbers of intestinal Bacteroides fragilis group species during clindamycin administration.

Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2002 Sep;16(9):1669-75.
Impact of supplement with Lactobacillus- and Bifidobacterium-containing yogurt on triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication.

Sheu BS, Wu JJ, Lo CY, Wu HW, Chen JH, Lin YS, Lin MD.

Department of Internal Medicine, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

AIM: To test whether supplements of Lactobacillus- and Bifidobacterium-containing yogurt (AB-Yogurt) affect the success of Helicobacter pylori eradication. METHODS: One hundred and sixty H. pylori-infected patients were randomized into a triple-plus-yogurt group or a triple-only group, receiving 1 week of triple therapy with and without supplements of AB-Yogurt, respectively. In the triple-plus-yogurt group, AB-Yogurt was continued for 4 weeks after triple therapy. Eight weeks later, patients were assessed for the success of H. pylori eradication. The stool samples of 22 randomly selected patients, 11 from each group, were provided on enrolment, at the first week and at the fifth week for evaluation of the percentage of Bifidobacterium in anaerobes. RESULTS: By intention-to-treat analysis, the triple-plus-yogurt group had a higher H. pylori eradication rate than the triple-only group (91% vs. 78%, P < 0.05). The per protocol H. pylori eradication rates were similar for both groups (93.5% vs. 89%, P = N.S.). Only patients supplemented with AB-Yogurt showed restoration of the percentage of Bifidobacterium in the anaerobes of stools at the fifth week to the level in the stools on enrolment. CONCLUSIONS: Supplement with AB-Yogurt can improve the intention-to-treat eradication rates of H. pylori, and can restore the depletion of Bifidobacterium in stools after triple therapy.

J Otolaryngol. 1995 Aug;24(4):230-3.
Effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus on antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal morbidity: a prospective randomized trial.

Witsell DL, Garrett CG, Yarbrough WG, Dorrestein SP, Drake AF, Weissler MC.

Vanderbilt Voice and Balance Center, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

Oral antibiotic therapy can alter the gastrointestinal microflora and result in troublesome gastrointestinal complaints. Patients who have experience with broad-spectrum antibiotics may be reluctant to start or to comply with antibiotic therapy due to the associated discomfort. In the field of otolaryngology, oral antibiotic therapy is commonplace, and patient intolerance of a particular antibiotic may result in compromise to a less effective choice.

***Yogurt, which contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, is often recommended by practitioners to help reduce the side effects of oral antibiotic therapy.***

We wanted to objectively evaluate the effect of orally administered L. acidophilus on the gastrointestinal side effects of oral broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy. Twenty-seven outpatients, 10 years of age or older, with ear, sinus, or throat infections, in whom amoxicillin/clavulanate was felt to be the antibiotic of choice, were randomly assigned to amoxicillin/clavulanate only, or amoxicillin/clavulanate and Lactobacillus treatment groups. Each patient was advised by the nursing staff to consume a well-balanced diet, and a detailed explanation of the medication schedule was given. A questionnaire was given to each patient at the conclusion of therapy. The data were analyzed using Spearman's rank-order correlations. Concomitant therapy of L. acidophilus with amoxicillin/clavulanate was associated with a significant decrease in patient complaints of gastrointestinal side effects and yeast superinfection. Almost all patients (89%) reported resolution of infection during the course of therapy. We believe that use of L. acidophilus is warranted in patients on broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy with gastrointestinal complaints.

Ваше внимание хочется обратить на мной выделенную фразу в последнем абстракте: Иогурт(ы), содержащий (живые) Lactobacillus acidophilus, часто рекомендуется врачами практиками с целью снижения побочных эффектов пероpальной антибиотикотерапии.
Те, уже на уровень 1995 года существует в США практика назначения такой профилактики среди американских врачей (не говоря уже о стандартизированных пробиотических препаратах - см. инструкции-вкладыши к отд. препаратам), конечно же, далеко не абсолютно всеми в той же Америке это признается. Логично будет и здесь на постсоветском пространстве одним докторам предлагать данный вид профилактики, даже в интернете (Ваш покорный слуга), а другим (в Вашем лице) - относится к этому скептически.
Но не совсем коллегиально, на мой взгляд, приводить сравнение данного практикуемого метода с керосиновыми аппликациями или же высмеивать его только потому, что он не указан в офиц. рекомендациях по лечению ЗППП. Для таких целей берутся мануалы по антибиотикотерапии или же тематические статьи по предотвращению поб. действия антибиотикотерапии, на что и полагаюсь в своей практике.
С наилучшими пожеланиями в сфере профессионального роста,
PS. Кроме того, существует практика назначения локальных аппликаций иогуртов с живыми культурами (строго стандартизированные продукты с опр. кол-вом микроорганизмов) как вспомогательная терапия к комплексном лечении вагинитов, но это так, для справки: не все иогурты одинаково полезны...
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