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nastassia 17.11.2009 17:03

Интересные появляющиеся статьи
Long-term efficacy of a single course of infliximab in hidradenitis suppurativa

B. H. Thiers, MD; Courtesy of Eclips Consult ([Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ])




Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by abscess formation, predominantly in the axillae and groins. The disease is difficult to treat and has a severe impact on quality of life. Recently, several case reports have been published describing successful treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa with infliximab and other tumour necrosis factor α inhibitors.


To evaluate the long-term efficacy of a single course of infliximab.


Ten patients with severe, recalcitrant hidradenitis were treated with infliximab (three infusions of 5mgkg−1 at weeks 0, 2 and 6) and followed up for at least 1 year. The disease activity was measured using laboratory parameters and a recently developed acne score. The patients rated the efficacy of infliximab on a 10-point scale at regular intervals. Quality of life was measured before and after treatment using the Dermatology Quality of Life Index (DQLI).


All patients improved within 2–6 weeks. The average acne score diminished from 164±50 (mean±SD) before treatment to 89±49 after 1 year (P=0·002). The mean CRP (C-reactive protein) was reduced from 31·7mgmL−1 to 5·5mgmL−1 after 1 month (P=0·015). Patients judged the efficacy with a score of 7·9. The mean DQLI was reduced from 18·4±7·9 before treatment to 9·3±9·1 after 1 year (P=0·007). In three patients long-lasting improvement was observed, with no recurrence of lesions in a 2-year follow-up period. The other patients showed recurrence of lesions after 8·5 months (range 4·3–13·4 months).


Infliximab is an effective treatment in severe hidradenitis suppurativa, leading to reduction of symptoms for a prolonged period.

Commentary by B.H. Thiers, MD

Posted Date: 11 Jun 2009

Evidence Ranking: B

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a debilitating chronic inflammatory condition of apocrine glands that is highly refractory to treatment. Although some physicians believe it may be related to acne (hence its alternate designation, acne ectopica or acne inversa), the condition responds poorly to treatments used for acne, and even isotretinoin is often ineffective, despite the use of doses higher than one would typically use for treating acne vulgaris. Nonspecific antiinflammatory therapy, including systemic corticosteroids, is useful for short-term control, although long-term administration in a chronic disease such as this is fraught with unacceptable complications. The hypothesis that the proinflammatory cytokine, TNF-α, may be involved in the pathogenesis of hidradenitis has led to numerous case reports of the use of TNF-α inhibitors as a possible treatment. These reports have yielded mixed results. In the study by Mekkes and Bos, a single course of 3 infusions of the TNF-α inhibitor, infliximab, led to short-term improvement in all 10 patients, although 7 relapsed an average of 8.5 months after therapy. A previous study by Fardet et al included 7 patients with hidradenitis who were treated with 3-4 infusions of infliximab.[1] Again, most improved in the short-term, but most relapsed later. In both of these studies, adverse drug reactions were seen in a significant minority of patients. Taken together, the data appear to suggest that TNF-α inhibitors, specifically infliximab, may have some short-term benefit for treating hidradenitis, but maintenance infusions will be necessary to maintain improvement.


1. Mekkes JR, Bos JD, et al: Long-term efficacy of a single course of infliximab in hidradenitis suppurativa. Br J Dermatol 2008; 158:370-374.

FBN 29.12.2009 01:02

Немного не в тему, но не знаю, куда еще эту информацию можно поместить.
На сайте Американсткой академии дерматологии можно скачать несколько руководств по лечению некоторых актуальных кожных заболеваний (акне, атопического дерматита, псориаза и псориатического артрита):
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Dr.Vad 23.02.2010 20:44

Местное лечение мелазмы (обзор)
применение доказанных и экспериментальных средств и их комбинаций в недавнем обзоре


Indian J Dermatol. 2009 Oct–Dec; 54(4): 303–309.

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nastassia 23.02.2010 23:21


Dr.Anisimova 26.02.2010 03:03

- ненавязчивая статья по ювенильному ладонно-подошвенному дерматозу
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- еще попадалась статья о возможной связи с АД/атопией или как возможная форма атопии
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"Palmar and plantar dermatitis.— When 2452 newly hired hospital workers were studied, the incidence of the development of hand eczema was three times higher in those who were atopic.[111] In addition, hand eczema has been noted to occur in 70% of children with AD.[112] Atopy has been reported to occur in up to 57% of patients with juvenile palmar-plantar dermatosis.[113]
Eczema on the palms and soles presents as a glistening erythema with varying degrees of scaling and fissuring. Lichenification results from the constant rubbing of the xerotic palmar and plantar skin. The dorsum of the hands may or may not be similarly involved. The non-weight-bearing areas of the soles and interdigital spaces are spared. Sparing of the interidigital spaces should defer consideration of a possible dermatophytic infection. The condition runs a chronically relapsing course with worsening in winter, but persistent lesions are noted in approximately 40% of patients.[114]"

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Альтернатива в лечении устойчивой идиопатической хронической крапивницы(дапсон или колхицин) :
"Successfully treating patients with resistant chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU) frequently requires augmenting antihistamine therapy with dapsone or colchicine, an expert says."

- ретиноиды анти-age(кроме глубоких морщин) и профилактика фотостарения(статья-дискуссия)
Topical retinoid treatments effective for brown spots, fine wrinkles
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- возможные причины линейной пигментации(химиотерапия, блеомицин)
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- возможный триггеры(чесотка) буллёзного пемфигоида:
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- дооперационная обработка хлоргексидином лучше, чем йодом:
"Conclusions Preoperative cleansing of the patient's skin with chlorhexidine–alcohol is superior to cleansing with povidone–iodine for preventing surgical-site infection after clean-contaminated surgery. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00290290 [ClinicalTrials.gov] .)"
Efficacy Study of Antiseptic Preoperative Scrubs in Prevention of Postoperative Wound Infections
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- предлагается замена:
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- об ассоциации внутренних болезней с кожными симптомами
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- у невакцинированных детей более высокий риск ветрянки(почти в 9 раз), чем у вакцинированных
Conclusions Children of parents who refuse varicella immunizations are at high risk of varicella infection relative to vaccinated children. These results will be helpful to health care providers and parents when making decisions about immunizing children.
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- о, актуально, обсуждаются дерматологические проблемы гинекологии(много пациенток с симптомами без выясненной причины-зуд, жжение-в разделе гинекологии)
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- о "высоком" и нам недоступном в лечении псориаза(сравнение препаратов)
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"Conclusions The efficacy of ustekinumab at a dose of 45 or 90 mg was superior to that of high-dose etanercept over a 12-week period in patients with psoriasis. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00454584 [ClinicalTrials.gov] .) "

- химиопрофилактика базально-клеточной карциномы с НПВС у генетич. предрасположенных(PTCH1+/−) людей и мышей
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- иссечение вишневых ангиом:
Arch Dermatol. 2010;146(1):33-37.
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"Conclusions Cherry angiomata can be effectively treated with electrodesiccation and with laser. Laser, especially PDL, may minimize the likelihood of treatment-associated textural change. "

- редкий KID-синдром(Keratitis, ichthyosis, and deafness)
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- косметические составляющие:
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чего стоит избегать:
" Acne — Avoid mineral oil, beeswax, jojoba oil, coconut oil, palmitates.
- Dry skin — Avoid certain surfactants, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, soaps with sodium tallowate, witch hazel and salicylic acid.
- Sensitive skin — Avoid the same surfactants listed for those with dry skin. Some alpha hydroxy acids, such as glycolic and lactic acids, should also be avoided. "

- детали лечения акне у женщин:
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Dr.Volgina 26.02.2010 03:43


Dr.Vad 02.03.2010 01:52

Дерматология новорожденного: сыпь и родимые пятна

Newborn skin: Part I. Common rashes.
O'Connor NR, McLaughlin MR, Ham P.
Am Fam Physician. 2008 Jan 1;77(1):47-52. Review.

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Newborn skin: Part II. Birthmarks.
McLaughlin MR, O'Connor NR, Ham P.
Am Fam Physician. 2008 Jan 1;77(1):56-60. Review.

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Dr.Vad 12.04.2010 22:30

Nail Abnormalities: Clues to Systemic Disease.

Am Fam Physician. 2004 Mar 15;69(6):1417-24

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Dr.Vad 14.04.2010 18:53

Выпадение ресниц - мадароз (Madarosis):

Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2008 Jan-Feb;74(1):74-6.
Madarosis: a dermatological marker.

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Dr.Anisimova 27.05.2010 08:42

- обсуждение редкого дерматоза (болезнь Гужеро – Карто, сливающийся и сетчатый папилломатоз); интересен диф. диагноз с более часто встречающимися дерматологу проблемами(отрубевидный лишай)
Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis(CARP)
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- о нем в emedicine:
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Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis: favourable response to low-dose isotretinoin
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- интересный неклассический вариант Т-клеточной лимфомы кожи, первично-опухолевая форма в блоге уважаемого коллеги Сергеева Ю.В.
Т – клеточная лимфома кожи: «обезглавленный грибовидный микоз».
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- топическое применение имиквимода получило одобрение FDA для лечения актинического кератоза:
Zyclara topical cream (imiquimod 3.75 percent) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat actinic keratoses (AKs), a precancerous condition that's commonly found on skin frequently exposed to the sun.
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Dr.Anisimova 11.09.2010 09:33

из последних новостей
- появились более значимые данные по ассоциации демодекса и патологии кожи
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Retrospective Analysis of the Association Between Demodex Infestation and Rosacea
Arch Dermatol. 2010;146(8):896-902. doi:10.1001/archdermatol.2010.196
Conclusions: A significant association exists between Demodex infestation and the development of rosacea. Demodex infestation is a vital risk factor for rosacea according to the time-to-event relationship, and the degree of infestation played a more important role than did the mite infestation rate in the development of rosacea.

Aggravating factors for melasma: a prospective study in 197 Tunisian patients
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(после регистрации доступен полный текст)
Our findings confirm that among women with melasma, the most severe forms of disease commonly appear in women with dark phototypes, those exposed to oral contraceptives and those who have been particularly exposed to the sun during their lives. These severe forms of melasma, which seem to appear more frequently when the disease appears before the age of thirty, generally lead to severe deterioration in quality of life. The study of melasma in this type of population is of major importance because of aesthetic damage in dark-phototype patients, the lack of efficacy of current treatments, non-compliance with photo-protection recommendations and the challenge represented by treatment.

Comparative study of trichloroacetic acid versus glycolic acid chemical peels in the treatment of melasma
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Risk Factors for Single and Multiple Basal Cell Carcinomas[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
Conclusion* Patients who are relatively young at their first BCC diagnosis, those with red hair, those with higher socioeconomic status, and/or those with a BCC lesion on their upper extremities have a higher risk of developing multiple lesions and require closer follow-up over time.

- корреляция между уровнем пролактина и клин.проявлениями псориаза:
Serum prolactin levels in psoriasis and correlation with cutaneous disease activity
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Conclusions. These results indicate that serum PRL levels may serve as a biological marker of psoriatic disease activity.

Bone Marrow Transplantation for Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa
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Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa is an incurable, often fatal mucocutaneous blistering disease caused by mutations in COL7A1, the gene encoding type VII collagen (C7). On the basis of preclinical data showing biochemical correction and prolonged survival in col7 ?/? mice, we hypothesized that allogeneic marrow contains stem cells capable of ameliorating the manifestations of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa in humans.
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- пиво/риск псориаза у женщин
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Alcohol Intake and Risk of Incident Psoriasis in US WomenConclusions: Nonlight beer intake is associated with an increased risk of developing psoriasis among women. Other alcoholic beverages did not increase the risk of psoriasis in this study.

- контактный дерматит на туалетную бумагу
The Hazards of Moist Toilet Paper
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Conclusion This study highlights that the MCI/MI in moist toilet paper can be a cause of perianal and perineal allergic contact dermatitis.

Neonatal dermatological emergencies
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Journal allows access to PDF only to subscribers and users from INDIA.
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- нет какой-либо корреляции:
Serum vitamin B12, folate, ferritin and iron levels in Turkish patients with vitiligo
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Acyclovir versus valacyclovir
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Prescribing and dispensing of isotretinoin: A survey
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Lack of association between extramammary Paget's disease and human papillomavirus infection
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- курение/риск генитальных бородавок:
Association between smoking and genital warts: longitudinal analysis
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Conclusions: Smokers experienced a moderately increased risk of being diagnosed with genital warts. This finding could be explained by the immunosuppressive effects of nicotine, or by confounding not accounted for in the adjusted model.

Differential association of ureaplasma species with non-gonococcal urethritis in heterosexual men
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Conclusions Unlike U parvum, U urealyticum was associated with urethritis. The strong effect in younger white men and high rates in controls may suggest variability in virulence among U urealyticum strains or in host innate or acquired immunity.

Minocycline in Acne Vulgaris: Benefits and Risks
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Considering the aspects of efficacy, its adverse effect profile, resistance, price, and alternatives, minocycline is no longer considered the first-line antibacterial in the treatment of acne.

- доступно после регистрации:
Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis
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Genital Herpes: 21st Century Update
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A Comparative Study of Dyslipidaemia in Men and Woman with Androgenic Alopecia
Female patients with androgenic alopecia showed significant higher triglycerides values (123.8 vs 89.43 mg/dl, p?=?0.006), total cholesterol values (196.1 vs 182.3 mg/dl, p?=?0.014), LDL-C values (114.1 vs 98.8 mg/dl, p?=?0.0006) and lower HDL-C values (56.8 vs 67.7 mg/dl, p

Androgenetic alopecia and cardiovascular risk factors in men and women: a comparative study
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The determination of metabolic syndrome and ultrasound study of the carotid arteries may be useful screening methods to detect risk of developing cardiovascular disease in male and female patients with early-onset AGA and signal a potential opportunity for early preventive treatment.

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Original Article: Quantitative detection of melanoma-associated antigens by multimarker real-time RT-PCR for molecular staging: results of a 5*years study
Conclusions: Statistically significant tumor marker elevation during the first 2*years after the surgical treatment correlates with a worse prognosis of patients. In contrast, the group showing negative real-time RT-PCR results in 24*months serial blood testing was associated with prolonged 5-year disease-specific survival. Therefore, quantitative detection of melanoma-specific molecular markers in the presented setting represents a useful tool for selecting patients in a higher risk of disease recurrence.

The Effect of Narrowband UV-B Treatment for Psoriasis on Vitamin D Status During Wintertime in Ireland
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Conclusions* Narrowband UV-B effectively increases serum 25(OH)D level while clearing psoriasis. Up to 75% of Irish patients with psoriasis were shown to be vitamin D insufficient during wintertime.

Dr.Anisimova 11.09.2010 09:48

- психодерматология(риск психических изменений у пациентов с псориазом)
The Risk of Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidality in Patients With Psoriasis
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Conclusions* Patients with psoriasis have an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and suicidality. We estimate that in the United Kingdom, in excess of 10*400 diagnoses of depression, 7100 diagnoses of anxiety, and 350 diagnoses of suicidality are attributable to psoriasis annually. It is important for clinicians to evaluate patients with psoriasis for these conditions to improve outcomes. Future investigation should determine the mechanisms by which psoriasis is associated with psychiatric outcomes as well as approaches for prevention.

Prediction of the incidence, recurrence, and persistence of atopic dermatitis in adolescence
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Genetic factors, early allergen sensitization, and having worked in a high-risk job seem to be more important for disease development in late adolescence than other early-life exposures.

-доступен ап-дэйт гадлайна по меланоме:
Revised U.K. Guidelines for the Management of Cutaneous Melanoma 2010
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Prevention of Melanoma
A new mole appearing after the onset of puberty which is changing in shape, colour or size
A long-standing mole which is changing in shape, colour or size
Any mole which has three or more colours or has lost its symmetry
A mole which is itching or bleeding
Any new persistent skin lesion especially if growing, if pigmented or vascular in appearance, and if the diagnosis is not clear
A new pigmented line in a nail especially where there is associated damage to the nail
A lesion growing under a nail

Multiple elastomas in a 6-month-old child
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Mucocutaneous features of hand, foot, and mouth disease: A reappraisal from an outbreak in the city of Kolkata
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- психодерматология пока остается новым и неизвестным направлением для дерматологов даже в US
Psychodermatology awareness among dermatologists: Results of a mail survey
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A U.S. mail survey investigated the level of training in and awareness of psychocutaneous disorders (PD) among 102 dermatologists. Only 18% of respondents reported a clear understanding of psychodermatology and only 42% reported being very comfortable in diagnosis or treatment of such disorders. The most common PD disorders were reported as acne, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Delusions of parasitosis (41%), neurotic excoriation (24%) and trichotillomania (17%) were commonly reported. When asked whether they would be interested in a PD continuing medical education event, only 39% responded positively (Jafferany, M. et al. Int J Dermatol 2010, 49: 784).

- косметологические несч.случаи:
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Misadventures in Cosmetic Dermatology

Serum CCL23 levels are increased in patients with systemic sclerosis
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FDA Approves Low-Level Body-Sculpting Laser
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Dr.Anisimova 15.09.2010 14:14

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- опасность лазерной указки для детей(глаза)
Kids Playing With Laser Pointers May Be Aiming for Eye Trouble

Efficacy and tolerability of proactive treatment with topical corticosteroids and calcineurin-inhibitors for atopic eczema: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
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Conclusions: Vehicle-controlled trials indicate efficacy of proactive treatment with tacrolimus, fluticasone propionate, and methyl-prednisolone aceponate to prevent AE flares. Indirect evidence from vehicle-controlled trials suggests that twice weekly application of the potent topical corticosteroid fluticasone propionate may be more efficacious to prevent AE flares than tacrolimus ointment. Head to head trials should be conducted to confirm these results. Future studies are also needed to evaluate the long-term safety of proactive treatment of AE.

- проблема туберкулеза кожи
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- меланоскан
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Clinical pathway for melanoma detection using comprehensive cutaneous analysis with Melanoscan®
Rhett J Drugge MD, Chi Nguyen, Luciana Gliga, Elizabeth D Drugge PhD
Dermatology Online Journal 16 (8): 1

- интересное исследование: метотрексат и китайская медицина(нет подтверждения эффективности) :
Methotrexate versus traditional Chinese medicine in psoriasis: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial to determine efficacy, safety and quality of life
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Conclusions. Our results verify the therapeutic effect of methotrexate for the management of psoriasis. Despite widespread belief and use of TCM in Asia for the treatment of psoriasis, we were unable to confirm the efficacy of TCM in this study.

What’s new in psoriasis? Analysis of the clinical significance of new guidelines and systematic reviews on psoriasis published in 2008 and 2009
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Dermatophyte infections in Melbourne
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Dr.Anisimova 15.09.2010 14:28

Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen versus topical salicylic acid application for cutaneous warts in primary care: a randomized controlled trial
- криотерапия супротив салициловой:
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Interpretation: For common warts, cryotherapy was the most effective therapy in primary care. For plantar warts, we found no clinically relevant difference in effectiveness between cryotherapy, topical application of salicylic acid or a wait-and-see :) approach after 13 weeks. (ClinicalTrial.gov)
- для обыкновенных бородавок криотерапия более эффективна как вариант основного лечения. Для подошвенных: разницы особой не выявлено между крио- и салициловой и "жди-и-смотри":)
- новость прошлась по многим мед.СМИ:
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Dr.Anisimova 15.09.2010 15:25

- проблема нейрофиброматоза сложная и не только дерматологическая:
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Scalp neurofibromas associated with bone dysplasia

- гиперпигментированные кожные узлы у пациента после трансплантации почки и иммуносупрессивного лечения:
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Mycobacterium haemophilum: Cutanoeus Nodules in a Renal Transplant Patient
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- о микродермабразии:
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- гайд по профессиональному контактному дерматиту и крапивнице:
- Evidence-based guidelines for the prevention, identification and management of occupational contact dermatitis and urticaria[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
(для полного доступа нужна регистрация)

- такролимус при витилиго в сочетании с коротковолновым УФ-В позволяет уменьшить кумулятивную дозу, способствует репигментации
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- вит. Д важен; получение возможно через питание или дополнительно, только не с помощью загара(УФ)
Conclusions: Adequate intake of vitamin D is important for maintenance of good health, and may be achieved through diet and oral supplementation. Intentional or prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light should not be used as a means of obtaining vitamin D.
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Permanent make-up colorants may cause severe skin reactions
- перманентный макияж может быть причиной тяжелых кожных реакций
Conclusions: In light of the severe and often therapy-resistant skin reactions, we strongly recommend the regulation and control of the substances used in PMU colorants.
- с контролем в области косметологии не все так просто; по результатам многочисленных исследований регулярно рекомендуется более тщательный контроль за косметической продукцией

Dr.Anisimova 15.09.2010 16:24

- продвижение устройств на рынке по измерению УФ радиации
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International Journal of Cosmetic Science
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- секреты мэйк-апа в косметологии: многие косметологические "эффекты" обусловлены умелым декором с использованием самых различных веществ, содержащих частицы, меняющие светоотражение
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- случай фотореакции на тату-перманентный макияж(гранулематозная реакция кожи)
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- фолликулит Hot Tub Folliculitis
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- про пробиотики и атопический дерматит
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"Overall, while there is a sound theoretical basis for a benefit of using probiotics for allergic disease, there is currently insufficient data to recommend it for all allergic conditions. With that said, there is more evidence supporting its use in preventing atopic dermatitis in children than for other allergic or immune conditions.[7]"

" Although the literature is limited at present, the existing data does suggest a benefit for women taking probiotics in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy to reduce the incidence of atopic dermatitis at 2 to 4 years in their infants. A case can be made for Cindy to take probiotics during pregnancy, given the risk conferred on her unborn child by the positive family history."

Dr.Volgina 16.09.2010 19:22

Мария Юрьевна,спасибо за все новости и интересные сообщения.:ax:

Dr.Anisimova 03.10.2010 14:52

Oral Propranolol for Hemangiomas of Infancy
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Chronic pruritus
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Suicidal Ideation, Mental Health Problems, and Social Impairment Are Increased in Adolescents with Acne: A Population-Based Study
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-прогестер. чувств.
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- Prominent Degos-like Skin Lesions in a Patient with Chronic Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus
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- оценка тяжести псориаза(индексы в том числе)
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Top-Accessed Article: Psoriasis Associated With Hyperleptinemia
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Алопеция(ГА) и рак щитовидной:
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"Dermatologists should consider palpating the thyroid in patients with alopecia or other skin diseases related to thyroid disease. Further ultrasonographic evaluation of abnormalities followed by referral to an endocrinologist or surgical oncologist for biopsy and management is prudent. Since treating this patient, we have initiated physical examination of the thyroid as a part of our standard alopecia workup."
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Thermographic Follow-up of a Mild Case of Herpes Zoster
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The Band-Aid Sign of Trichotillomania: A Helpful Diagnostic Technique in the Setting of Hair Loss
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An Evaluation of Long-term Outcomes in Adults With Pediatric-Onset Morphea
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Cutaneous Sclerosis
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Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Synthetic Rubber Gloves
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Genital Herpes: 21st Century Update
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Pediatric Dermatology in Children of Color
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Infantile hemangiomas
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Dyshidrosiform Pemphigus Vulgaris: Report of an Unusual Case
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The potential role of vitamin D in the progression of benign and malignant melanocytic neoplasms
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Infliximab efficacy in nail psoriasis
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Post-Genomics and Skin Inflammation
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Switching biologics for psoriasis
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British Association of Dermatologists’ guidelines for the management of lichen sclerosus 2010
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Clinical diagnosis of toenail onychomycosis is possible in some patients: cross-sectional diagnostic study and development of a diagnostic rule
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Tobacco smoking and hand eczema: a population-based study
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Contact allergy to corticosteroids and Malassezia furfur in seborrhoeic dermatitis patients
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Minoxidil: Allergic contact dermatitis: case report
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Pimecrolimus: Allergic contact dermatitis in a child: case report
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Propylene glycol: Allergic contact dermatitis: case report
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Efficacy and safety of pimecrolimus cream in mild-moderate chronic hand dermatitis
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Dr.Anisimova 03.10.2010 16:27

- редкие для РФ(скорее возможны как привозные) :
Cutaneous myiasis: a review of the common types of myiasis
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- гипомеланоз
Clinical, pathologic, and ultrastructural studies of progressive macular hypomelanosis
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- пилотное исследование(лечение азатиоприном ГА) :
Could azathioprine be considered as a therapeutic alternative in the treatment of alopecia areata?
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Childhood actinic lichen planus: Successful treatment with antimalarials
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Hair loss during menopause treatable with right diagnosis
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"these as "MOLT" — minoxidil, other pills, laser and transplants. "

- дети с АД-выше риск вирусных: ВПГ и моллюск+АД
Are lifetime prevalence of impetigo; molluscum and herpes infection really increased in children having atopic dermatitis?
Children with a history of AD have increased prevalence of impetigo
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The lifetime prevalence of IC was indeed higher in young children with a history of AD.

step_into 03.10.2010 20:56

Одобрялка не работает.

Dr.Anisimova 05.10.2010 16:58

Дневник Юрия Валентиновича Сергеева:
- сложный для диагностики случай:
Эруптивная сирингоцистэктазия
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- Плоскоклеточный рак in situ: болезнь Боуэна мультицентрическая пигментная.
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"Практический совет: если Вам показывают пациента с большой давностью заболевания, то помните о злокачественных заболеваниях кожи..."
- Базалиома и актинический кератоз
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- пиогенная гранулёма:
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- Пострентгеновский эрозивно-язвенный дерматит
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Можно подписаться на RSS-ленту(поддерживают многие браузеры) и информация по новым случаям будет приходить автоматически:
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Dr.Anisimova 09.10.2010 14:25

- интересный мед.сайт
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- дерматология
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- RSS-лента
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- презентация "Role of Cutaneous HPV in Common Skin Conditions: Current Viewpoints and Therapeutic Options" -доступна после регистрации на одном из сайтов:
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- в дневнике Сергеева Ю.В. новые случаи(синдром сезари, пузырчатка листовидная)
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Dr.Anisimova 29.10.2010 22:25

- продолжает накапливаться информация по использованию в лечении гемангиом у детей бета-блокаторов:
Oral Beta Blocker Reduces Periocular Infantile Hemangiomas in Most Cases
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- вспомним про педикулёз: Head Lice: Diagnosis and Therapy
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- удаление тату(лазер)
Tattoo Removal Improved With Ablative Fractional Resurfacing and Q-Switched Laser
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- ботулотоксин А для глабелярных морщин
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- интересная статья: дерматология и внутренние болезни (что нового?) и далее по списку:
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Anetoderma and Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Livedo Vasculopathy and Hypercoaguable States
Adult Henoch-schonlein Purpura and Solid Malignancy
Adult Xanthogranulomas and Lymphoproliferative Diseases
Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Cancer
Acute Onset of Disseminated Superficial Actinic Porokeratosis and Solid Malignancy
Necrolytic Acral Erythema and Zinc Deficiency
Acanthosis Nigricans and Metabolic Syndrome
Psoriasis and Heart Disease
- внимание! физиотерапия в дерматологии-наконец-то: "чудо" ионтофореза(инофорез/электрофорез) при гипергидрозе:
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- High prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in patients with basal cell nevus syndrome
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"Patients with BCNS may be at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency, depending on their adherence to photoprotection practices."
- "Allergic Contact Dermatitis from Vitamin E: The Experience at Mayo Clinic Arizona, 1987 to 2007"
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"Conclusion: Vitamin E appears to be a relatively rare contact allergen in our experience."
Localized mycosis fungoides of the bilateral thumbs and nail units treated with orthovoltage radiation

- Risk Factors for Bullous Pemphigoid in the Elderly: A Prospective Case–Control Study
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"...risk factors for BP include neurological disorders, particularly dementia and Parkinson's disease, psychiatric disorders (unipolar and bipolar disorders), bedridden condition, and chronic use of several drugs."

-Erectile dysfunction in patients with psoriasis: increased prevalence, an unmet need, and a chance to intervene
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Conclusions We present the largest survey of ED in patients with skin disease, and the first to posit the potential link between psoriasis, ED and atherosclerosis. We suggest that an assessment of sexual function should be part of the routine holistic care provided for dermatology outpatients, and highlight the need to screen for cardiovascular risk factors in those with documented ED.
-Staphylococcus epidermidis: A possible role in the pustules of rosacea
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Our findings suggest S epidermidis may play a role in pustular and ocular rosacea.
-Multiple Facial Milia in Patients With Loeys-Dietz Syndrome
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Dr.Anisimova 15.11.2010 02:45

- в последних статьях внимание уделяли диетам/питанию при кожных болезнях-есть некоторые подвижки:
Nutrition and acne
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Conclusions: The complex interrelationships detailed in this contribution support to a high degree the case for dietary effects on acne (Figure 4). The typical Western diet, consisting of numerous dairy sources and foods with high glycemic indices, appears to have solidly-documented potentiating effects on serum insulin and IGF-1 levels, thereby promoting the androgens that are at the basis of the intraductal changes that lead to the development of acne vulgaris. More recent work, in progress, seems to implicate the same mechanism in the worst folliculopathy we treat, hidradenitis suppurativa.
Recognition of this link between nutrition and acne imposes a double obligation on dermatologists. We must educate ourselves to be able to discuss restrictive dietary management with each and every acne patient and to offer assistance and advice with zero dairy intake and diets with a low glycemic load. For further information, it is suggested that all who advise patients with acne would do well to personally review and then mindfully refer patients to Web sites such as [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ], [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ], [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ], and [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ].
The aim, of course, is as stated in a letter from Dr Albert Kligman, read at the opening of the Second International Conference on the Sebaceous Gland, Acne, Rosacea and Related Disorders in Rome last year,“… to actually achieve the ultimate goal in medical practice, namely prevention.”
We appear to be approaching that goal, but much work remains to be done.

Atopic dermatitis and nutrition
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Nutrition and the skin: “You are what you eat” Part II[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]

Nutrition and psoriasis
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Syndromes associated with nutritional deficiency and excess[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
- остается помнить, что все относительно, и пока что каких-либо "стойких" данных по вопросам диет нет

- интересное исследование в Японии (перспектива для дерматолога в лечении бородавок:), исследования конечно еще потребуются:
Oral zinc sulfate treatment for viral warts: An open-label study
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Oral zinc sulfate was found to be a good option in the treatment of viral warts, as it was safe and effective without important side-effects.
In our study, no significant adverse effects were reported except for nausea in five patients (16%), mild gastric pain in one patient (3%) and itching sensation in one patient (3%). These unwelcome adverse effects were mild and transient and did not require cessation of treatment. Nausea was a common side-effect of oral zinc sulfate.9 Because we think that oral zinc sulfate has a metallic taste when mixed with water, we suggested that patients ingest zinc sulfate by dividing the total dose into three daily doses and take it with milk or yogurt when they experienced a metallic taste or nausea. This method relieved the side-effect in most patients.
Our findings suggest that oral zinc sulfate is worth considering as a therapeutic option for the treatment of viral warts; it is safe, effective and lacking important side-effects.

- в индийском журнале тема псориаза(статьи полные)
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Novel drug delivery systems in topical treatment of psoriasis: Rigors and vigors
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Psoriasis: What is new in nonbiologic systemic therapy in the era of biologics?
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Newer trends in the management of psoriasis at difficult to treat locations: Scalp, palmoplantar disease and nails
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Management of psoriatic arthritis
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Narrowband ultraviolet B in the treatment of psoriasis: The journey so far!
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Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with psoriasis
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Comparative efficacy of narrow-band ultraviolet B phototherapy alone and its combination with topical 8-methoxypsoralen in psoriasis
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Psoriatic arthritis - update on pathophysiology, assessment, and management.
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Dr.Anisimova 16.11.2010 21:23

Merkel Cell Carcinoma(редкое новообразование, только коллеги-онкологи показывали своего пациента, сама не встречала в работе еще ни разу, но так можно перепутать его, в общем чтобы иметь ввиду)
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What’s new in atopic eczema? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2008 and 2009
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Efficacy of a 5-HT1a receptor agonist in atopic dermatitis[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
Conclusion. These data suggest that anxiolytic drugs such as 5-HT1A agonists are useful in the clinical management of stress-associated aggravation of AD. Inhibition of stress-induced mast cell degranulation may be one of the mechanisms underlying the clinical efficacy.

Pharmacodynamic (Phase 0) Study Using Etaracizumab in Advanced Melanoma- как раз из разряда, что говорила выше-так просмотреть и листать дальше, у нас етого еще и нету, и не исследують...
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Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: 35 patients treated with Mohs micrographic surgery using paraffin sections[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]

Treatment of leg veins with combined pulsed dye and Nd:YAG lasers: 60 patients assessed at 6 months
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Prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in psoriatic arthritis resembles that of rheumatoid arthritis
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New genetic susceptibility loci for psoriasis identified[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]

Borderline lepromatous leprosy with neurofibromatosis
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Premalignant and malignant squamous lesions of the vulva[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]

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Risk factors for genital lichen sclerosus in men
Conclusions The results of the present study are in line with the hypothesis that trauma of the penis is a possible trigger of symptoms in genetically predisposed people and that autoimmune disorders in personal and family histories are risk factors for male LS.

Ichthyosiform Sarcoidosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]

Hair removal in hirsute women with normal testosterone levels: a randomized controlled trial of long-pulsed diode laser vs. intense pulsed light
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Conclusion Hirsute women with normal or medically normalized testosterone levels responded equally well to IPL and LPDL treatments of facial hairiness, but the efficacy declined over 6*months.

Dermoscopic findings and histological correlation of the acral volar pigmented maculae in Laugier–Hunziker syndrome[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
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Multiple vascular eccrine spiradenomas: A case report and published work review of multiple eccrine spiradenomas
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Two cases of palmoplantar lichen planus with various clinical features

Conclusions: Both the PDT and imiquimod are treatments that are generally well tolerated. While both treatments provide a high level of satisfaction, the PDT appears to be slightly superior in this regard.
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A randomised comparative study of tolerance and satisfaction in the treatment of actinic keratosis of the face and scalp between 5% imiquimod cream and photodynamic therapy with methyl aminolevulinate.

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Relationship between smoking-induced oxidative stress and the clinical severity of psoriasis
Conclusions Our results indicate that smoking-induced oxidative damage resulting from increased reactive oxygen species production along with insufficient capacity of antioxidant mechanisms may be involved in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.

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Isotretinoin does not induce insulin resistance in patients with acneConclusions. Three months of isotretinoin treatment did not change insulin sensitivity in patients with AV. Further studies with insulin resistance models may even reveal an improvement in insulin resistance, as experimental animal studies have previously shown.

- для дерматологов тренинги
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Tobacco Smoking and Hand Eczema: A Population-based Study[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
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In conclusion, the present study confirms an association between heavy smoking and hand eczema. In the analyses it is important to consider the level of harmful exposure, as a dose-response relation was revealed, and to be aware of confounding factors.

Effectiveness of 0.1% topical tacrolimus in adult and children patients with vitiligo
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In conclusion, topical tacrolimus is found to be an effective treatment for both adults and children with vitiligo. Children will have a better outcome. The vulgaris and focalis types showed the best response especially on the head and neck regions. We also recommend that for other than vulgaris and focalis types, topical tacrolimus may be considered as a treatment for the two difficult to treat types, acrofacialis and segmentalis, before considering other modalities.

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Polymorphic CAG repeat numbers in the androgen receptor gene of female pattern hair loss patients

Phenotypes of atopic dermatitis
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Rosacea (erythematotelangiectatic type) effectively improved by topical xylometazoline
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INTRODUCTION: Diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous paraneoplastic disorders
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Cutaneous metastases from internal malignancies
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Chronic pruritus: a paraneoplastic sign
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Chronic itch could be a presenting sign of malignancy. In any case with high index of suspicion a thorough work-up is required. The underlying mechanisms responsible for this type of itch are still largely unclear. The recent advances in understanding specific itch pathways and mediators will hopefully lead to novel therapies. Combinative therapies reducing itch sensitization and transmission are of prime importance.

Paraneoplastic vasculitis and paraneoplastic vascular syndromes
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FDA Approves New Antibiotic for Pneumonia, Skin Infections

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A half of schoolchildren with ‘ISAAC eczema’ are ill with allergic contact dermatitis

Adverse reactions caused by consecutive injections of different fillers in the same facial region: risk assessment based on the results from the Injectable Filler Safety study
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Conclusions With the continuous changes in the filler market, the combination of different fillers in one area becomes more likely. Based on our data, there is not a lot of evidence that the combination of different injectable fillers, specifically biodegradable fillers, in the same region increases the risk of adverse reactions.

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Treatment of focal idiopathic hyperhidrosis with Botulinum Toxin Type A: clinical predictive factors of relapse-free survival

Depigmentation therapies for normal skin in vitiligo universalis
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- криоглубилинемия
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Epidemiology of urticaria: a representative cross-sectional population survey
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Dr.Anisimova 16.11.2010 21:24

Roche Melanoma Drug Shows Promise in Study
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Researchers Look to Genetic Analyses for New Options in Treating Food Allergy
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Clinical effects of topical pimecrolimus in a patient with Fox–Fordyce disease
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Porokeratosis of Mibelli: Involution and resolution with 5% imiquimod cream
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Multiple miliary osteoma cutis is a distinct disease entity; four case reports and review of the literature
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The lateral pulley buried dermal suture
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Dermatologic Findings in 61 Mutation-Positive Individuals with Cardio-facio-cutaneous Syndrome

The Current Management of Delusional Parasitosis and Dermatitis Artefacta
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‘Follicular Swiss cheese’ pattern – another histopathologic clue to alopecia areata
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Paraneoplastic psoriasiform dermatitis preceding the diagnosis of chronic myelogenous leukemia

Nodular Lymphangitis: Report of a Case with Presentation of a Diagnostic Paradigm
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A case of infantile herpes zoster in an infant born to a mother infected with varicella at 7 weeks of pregnancy
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Diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous paraneoplastic disorders
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Pyoderma gangrenosum: an Indian perspectiv
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- прошло по многим новостным лентам:
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Association of suicide attempts with acne and treatment with isotretinoin: retrospective Swedish cohort study
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Conclusions An increased risk of attempted suicide was apparent up to six months after the end of treatment with isotretinoin, which motivates a close monitoring of patients for suicidal behaviour for up to a year after treatment has ended. However, the risk of attempted suicide was already rising before treatment, so an additional risk due to the isotretinoin treatment cannot be established. As patients with a history of suicide attempts before treatment made new attempts to a lesser extent than did patients who started such behaviour in connection with treatment, patients with severe acne should not automatically have isotretinoin treatment withheld because of a history of attempted suicide.

Nickel is a type of silvery-white metal that is commonly mixed with other types of metal in order to produce alloys.
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Patient Understanding of Moles and Skin Cancer, and Factors Influencing Presentation in Primary Care: A Qualitative Study[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
Conclusions: Changing moles are often perceived as trivial and not signifying possible skin cancer. This study contributes to current national strategies to improve patient awareness and earlier diagnosis of cancer by highlighting factors that can trigger or act as barriers to seeking help.

Vitamin D: a novel therapeutic approach for keloid, an in vitro analysis
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Skin Cancer in Patients with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]

Management of venous ulcer disease
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Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis: Successful treatment with minocycline
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Human papillomavirus: The silent intruder[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]

Coexistence of onychomycosis in psoriatic nails: A descriptive study[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]

Skin barrier response to occlusion of healthy and irritated skin: Differences in trans-epidermal water loss, erythema and stratum corneum lipids[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]

The Influence of Age and Sex on Reasons for Seeking and Expected Benefits of Skin Cancer Screening
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Conclusions There is a need for better educational campaigns with specific recommendation for who should be screened for skin cancer. Men 50 years or older, the group at highest risk for death from melanoma, are most likely to seek screening only after being diagnosed as having a skin cancer.

Atopic ezcema in children: key practice points
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Allergic Contact Dermatitis: Poison Ivy
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The Occurrence Of Allergic Skin Diseases In Children Has Doubled In Recent Years, Due To An Increased Use Of Make-Up And Other Cosmetics
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Metastatic Malignant Melanoma: Finally Light on the Horizon
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Occupational UV-light exposure increases the risk for the development of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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The potential role of microorganisms in the development of rosacea[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
In conclusion, the role of microorganisms in the development of rosacea has not been clearly defined. The data available to date suggest that they may have a potential role, which seems to be rather synergistic with other factors, unless the real causative microorganism has not been identified yet.

Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis and Atopic Dermatitis
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Nomenclature of the veins of the lower limbs – current standards
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Patch Testing in Allergic Contact Dermatitis from Minoxidil[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]

Psoriasis and pregnancy outcomes: A nationwide population-based study[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
We found that pregnant women with severe psoriasis had an increased risk of LBW infants, whereas mild psoriasis was not associated with excess risk of adverse birth outcomes.

Dr.Anisimova 16.11.2010 22:13

Severe cases of vitiligo effectively treated by excimer laser
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- статья-мнение специалиста:
"Excimer laser plus topical calcineurin inhibitor a fast, safe, effective for vitiligo on face
Surgical options include extracting punch biopsies from donor areas with pigment and placing them into areas without pigment"

Remission in Dermatitis Herpetiformis
A Cohort Study
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Conclusions Dermatitis herpetiformis can go into remission. Clinicians should attempt to wean patients with well-controlled DH from a gluten-free diet and/or use of sulfones or other therapies to determine if the DH might have remitted. Our findings provide insight into the pathogenesis and course of this disease and may serve to guide long-term management of patients with DH.

A Randomized Comparison of Methods of Selecting Narrowband UV-B Starting Dose to Treat Chronic Psoriasis
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Conclusions The methods of determining the starting dose in this predominantly skin phototype I and II population, treated 3 times weekly, with a 20% followed by 10% incremental reduction in dose, did not significantly influence the effectiveness of treatment. Had there been a clinically important difference in efficacy, we would have expected to identify this. Thus, basing starting dose on individual MED assessments may not influence the treatment's efficacy in a skin phototype I to III population, although it remains important for patient safety. It remains possible that in populations containing individuals with a broader range of erythemal sensitivity, basing the starting dose on MED testing could have an important impact on treatment effectiveness.

Ustekinumab for Rapid Treatment of Nail Psoriasis
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Characteristics of Infantile Hemangiomas as Clues to Pathogenesis
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Effects of Occlusion on the Skin of Atopic Dermatitis Patients
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New Food Allergy Guidelines to Debut December 6
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Epidermal nevus
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Dr.Anisimova 28.11.2010 21:40

Невус меланоцитарный
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Хронический генерализованный кандидоз
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Хронический кандидоз кожи и слизистых как проявление АРС синдрома 1-го типа.Аутоиммунный полигландулярный синдром 1-го типа: хроническая надпочечниковая недостаточность, хронический слизисто-кожный кандидоз
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Dr.Anisimova 28.11.2010 23:12

Clinical picture of the week: Neurofibroma
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Update in Drug Allergy: Novel Drugs with Novel Reaction Patterns
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Coexistence of onychomycosis in psoriatic nails: A descriptive study
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Multiple translucent papules on the face of a middle-aged woman(тест-диагноз)
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Cigarette smoking and malignant melanoma: A case-control study
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After matching for age, sex, race, and skin type, and further adjusting for UV exposure and number of sunburns, cigarette smoking was not statistically significantly associated with melanoma risk, but the results were consistent with previous observations of an inverse association.

Intralesional agents in the management of cutaneous malignancy: A review
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Early White Discoloration of Infantile Hemangioma
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Conclusion Early white discoloration of infantile hemangioma is highly suggestive of impending ulceration.

The use of cyclosporine in dermatology: Part I, 2
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Stress and Allergic Diseases
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Cutaneous endometriosis
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Human papillomavirus typing of warts and response to cryotherapy
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Conclusion This study demonstrates that HPV type can be determined from wart parings. HPV-2 related viruses are the prevalent HPV types causing common warts on the hands and feet in this population.

Possible gender differences in the quality of life and choice of therapy in acne
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Dr.Anisimova 28.12.2010 15:50

- АД(атопический дерматит)-контакт с животными во время беременности-есть хорошо:)

Prenatal animal contact and gene expression of innate immunity receptors at birth are associated with atopic dermatitis
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Maternal contact with farm animals and cats during pregnancy had a significantly protective effect on atopic dermatitis in the first 2 years of life. The risk of atopic dermatitis was reduced by more than half among children with mothers having contact with 3 or more farm animal species during pregnancy compared with children with mothers without contact (adjusted odds ratio, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.19-0.97). Elevated expression of TLR5 and TLR9 in cord blood was associated with decreased doctor diagnosis of atopic dermatitis. A significant interaction between polymorphism in TLR2 and prenatal cat exposure was observed in atopic dermatitis.
Maternal contact with farm animals and cats during pregnancy has a protective effect on the development of atopic dermatitis in early life, which is associated with a lower expression of innate immune receptors at birth.


Dead Sea climatotherapy effective for vitiligo treatment
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Conclusion Climatotherapy at the Dead Sea is an effective treatment modality for vitiligo. Disease duration and severity, as well as length of treatment, were the main factors found to favourably influence the clinical response.
Dead Sea Climatotherapy (DSC) has proven to have an excellent healing effect in the treatment of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.10,11
Although evaluation criteria used were not similar to those commonly found in other studies, DSC showed better results (85.3% of patients with any level of repigmentation), than those obtained with NBUVB, as reported in the literature. In addition, it would appear that the repigmentation reached by the end of the treatment was preserved and continued to increase after leaving the Dead Sea. However, this point will need to be verified in a larger cohort of patients in the future.
It may be concluded that DSC is an effective treatment modality for vitiligo, with relatively few side-effects. It should be recommended as a potentially successful option in young patients suffering from moderate skin involvement of the disease who have the resources to pay for and dedicate 3 to 4 weeks for treatment at the Dead Sea.
- лечение поражения ногтей при псориазе-примерно одинаково в общем по эффективности (циклоспорин ложе/метотрексат-матрикс)
Evaluation of the efficacy of methotrexate and cyclosporine therapies on psoriatic nails: a one-blind, randomized study
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Conclusion Moderate effectiveness on psoriatic nail was found in the two treatment agents and there were no significant differences in efficacy between the groups. A significant improvement was detected in methotrexate group for the nail matrix findings, and in cyclosporine group for the nail bed findings.

- стресс/кортизол и псориаз
How stress gets under the skin: cortisol and stress reactivity in psoriasis
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- к патогенезу(рецепторы) кр. волчанки(полный текст)
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Evidence for a Pathophysiological Role of Keratinocyte-Derived Type III Interferon (IFNλ) in Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus

- ин витро коррекция фенотипа с помощью генов
Functional Correction of Type VII Collagen Expression in Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa
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Thus, using trans-splicing we achieved correction of an RDEB phenotype in vitro, which marks an important step toward its application in gene therapy in vivo.

- опять про демодекс:
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Demodex folliculorum: Requirements for Understanding Its Role in Human Skin Disease
В общем можно выделить, что исследование, в том числе количественная оценка имеет смысл при биопсии кожи. Также до сих пор нет самостоятельной кожной патологии. Стоит заметить возможное отношение в патогенезу розацеа, учитывая уже накопленные сведения, особенно глазные проявления, гранулематозную, папуло/пустулезную формы, ПД(периоральеый дерматит), особенно после использования кортикостероидов(стероидный дерматит, стероидная розацеа)

- к патогенезу АД(липиды, ИЛ-25)
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Transcriptional Profiling after Lipid Raft Disruption in Keratinocytes Identifies Critical Mediators of Atopic Dermatitis Pathways
IL-25 in Atopic Dermatitis: A Possible Link between Inflammation and Skin Barrier Dysfunction?
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- P. acne
Propionibacterium acnes Activates the IGF-1/IGF-1R System in the Epidermis and Induces Keratinocyte Proliferation
These results demonstrate that P. acnes can induce the formation of comedones by stimulating the IGF/IGF-1R system. Moreover, zinc downregulates this pathway.
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Stat3 as a Therapeutic Target for the Treatment of Psoriasis: A Clinical Feasibility Study with STA-21, a Stat3 Inhibitor
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Dr.Anisimova 28.12.2010 16:36

Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome in Psoriasis
Conclusions The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome is high among individuals with psoriasis. Given the serious complications associated with the metabolic syndrome, this frequent comorbidity should be recognized and taken into account in the long-term treatment of individuals with psoriasis.
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Glycolic Acid Peels in the Treatment of Melasma
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this study is notable because it was the first randomized, investigator-blinded, controlled, split-faced study in melasma to compare the use of hydroquinone alone with hydroquinone plus glycolic acid peels in a homogeneous (Hispanic) population using objective (photography, mexameter readings, and Melasma Area and Severity Index) and subjective measures.

Cryotherapy is More Effective than Salicylic Acid for Common Warts
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Multiple Primary Melanoma: The Impact of Atypical Naevi and Follow up
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Clinical and Cytological Effects of Pimecrolimus Cream 1% after Resolution of Active Atopic Dermatitis Lesions by Topical Corticosteroids: A Randomized Controlled Trial
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Conclusion: Topical pimecrolimus was effective at maintaining betamethasone-17α-valerate-induced AD remission by inhibiting recurrences of the inflammatory infiltrate in the skin.

Dr.Anisimova 31.12.2010 10:54

Eruptive Collagenomas
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Abatacept in the treatment of patients with psoriatic arthritis: Results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled phase 2 trial
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- оренсия
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Adalimumab Is Superior Treatment for Psoriasis
Benefit-risk analysis of adalimumab versus methotrexate and placebo in the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis: Comparison of adverse event–free response days in the CHAMPION trial
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More Skin Cancers Occur on the Left Side of the Body
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There were significantly more skin cancers on the left than the right side in men. This*discrepancy was even more profound in malignant melanoma in situ.

Remission possible for some dermatitis herpetiformis patients
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Spreading rash and papules in a 6-week-old
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Topical corticosteroids in atopic dermatitis and the risk of glaucoma and cataracts
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Sezary syndrome: Immunopathogenesis, literature review of therapeutic options, and recommendations for therapy by the United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium (USCLC)
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Psoriasis and pregnancy outcomes: A*nationwide population-based study
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We found that pregnant women with severe psoriasis had an increased risk of LBW infants, whereas mild psoriasis was not associated with excess risk of adverse birth outcomes.

Adverse reactions to injectable soft tissue fillers
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Photoprotective effects of a broad-spectrum sunscreen in ultraviolet-induced cutaneous lupus erythematosus: A*randomized, vehicle-controlled, double-blind study
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Staphylococcus epidermidis: A possible role in the pustules of rosacea
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Acne-associated syndromes: models for better understanding of acne pathogenesis
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Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in children: a review of the experience with paediatric patients in a University Hospital

Low-cumulative dose isotretinoin treatment in mild-to-moderate acne: efficacy in achieving stable remission
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Assessment and management of methotrexate hepatotoxicity in psoriasis patients: report from a consensus conference to evaluate current practice and identify key questions toward optimizing methotrexate use in the clinic
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Pemphigus vegetans: a clinical, histological, immunopathological and prognostic study
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SergDoc 06.02.2011 02:54

Skin cancer prevention: information, resources and environmental changes
Skin Cancer: how the NHS and local authorities can help prevent skin cancer using public information, sun protection resources and by making changes to the environment
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cactus1972 27.02.2011 20:04

делюсь ссылками
Guidelines of care for the management of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis в 6 частях.

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Опубликованы на сайте [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]

Dr.Anisimova 05.03.2011 14:24

- для интересующихся дерматоонкологией
Journal of Skin Cancer
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- доступны полнотекстовые статьи он-лайн, есть rss-лента, индексируется в паб-мед, (один из журналов паб-мед центра)
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Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck, Masahiro Nakayama, Keiji Tabuchi, Yasuhiro Nakamura, and Akira Hara
Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 496910, 9 pages
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и т.д

Dermatologists Caution That Atopic Dermatitis is a Strong Precursor to Food Allergies[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
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Data Show Incidence of Skin Cancer Rising at Alarming Rate[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
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Conclusion These observations indicate that TCR-based gene therapies directed against NY-ESO-1 represent a new and effective therapeutic approach for patients with melanoma and synovial cell sarcoma. To our knowledge, this represents the first demonstration of the successful treatment of a nonmelanoma tumor using TCR-transduced T cells.
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Tumor Regression in Patients With Metastatic Synovial Cell Sarcoma and Melanoma Using Genetically Engineered Lymphocytes Reactive With NY-ESO-1
Staphylococcus epidermidis: A possible role in the pustules of rosacea[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
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Our findings suggest S epidermidis may play a role in pustular and ocular rosacea.

- атлеты, инфекция
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AAD stands firm on 'D'
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The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) says it will continue to recommend that the public obtain vitamin D either from dietary supplements or foods naturally rich in or fortified with the vitamin.

Effective Health Care Clinician Guides
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Plaque psoriasis: A review of recent guidelines and pharmacologic therapies
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Allergan begins trials on hair-growth drug
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FDA approves Gardasil to prevent anal cancer
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Male baldness linked to stem cells
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UV nail dryers may pose risk
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We found that pregnant women with severe psoriasis had an increased risk of LBW infants, whereas mild psoriasis was not associated with excess risk of adverse birth outcomes.
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Psoriasis and pregnancy outcomes: A*nationwide population-based study

Associations with digital ulcers in a large cohort of systemic sclerosis: Results from the Canadian Scleroderma Research Group registry[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
Digital ulcers are associated with worse disease, including skin and lung involvement, but are not associated with PAH and SRC. However, the low DLCO that is associated with SRC could represent ILD or microvasculopathy.

Common nail changes and disorders in older people
Diagnosis and management
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Multiple Fixed Drug Eruption Caused by Ornidazole
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Water softeners fail to benefit children with eczema

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Unusual vulval papules Vulval syringomata

A solitary oral ulcer
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Nonerythrodermic Sezary syndro

Ungual and periungual human papillomavirus–associated squamous cell carcinoma: A*review
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The use of a measure of acute irritation to predict the outcome of repeated usage of hand soap products
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Granulomatous rosacea: Unusual presentation as solitary plaque
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Koebner’s Phenomenon in Vitiligo
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Benign nodular tertiary syphilis: A rare presenting manifestation of HIV infection
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Detection of early basal cell carcinoma with dermoscopy in a patient with psoriasis
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Voriconazole-Associated Phototoxicity
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Classic Kaposi sarcoma mimicking chilblains
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Acne in Adolescents: Quality of life, self-esteem, mood, and psychological disorders
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Cutaneous sarcoidosis and malignancy: An association between sarcoidosis with skin manifestations and systemic neoplasia
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Identification of a new mutation in the gene coding for hairless protein responsible for alopecia universalis: The importance of direct gene sequencing
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Complete regression of melanoma associated with vitiligo
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Facial and bilateral acral porokeratosis with nail dystrophy: A case report
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Letter: Acral-lentiginous melanoma: Report of 15 cases
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Porokeratosis of Mibelli: Successful treatment with 5 percent topical imiquimod and topical 5 percent 5-fluorouracil
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Five clinical variants of porokeratosis are recognized: classic porokeratosis of Mibelli (PM), disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP), porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata (PPPD), linear porokeratosis, and punctate porokeratosis.

Contact allergy to preservatives. Analysis of IVDK data 1996 - 2009
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Conclusion: Preservatives are still important contact allergens. The introduction of new preservatives should consider the specific characteristics of occupational and of non-occupational (cosmetic, household) exposure, and preventive measures should aim equally at both areas.

Detection of early basal cell carcinoma with dermoscopy in a patient with psoriasis
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Dr.Anisimova 05.03.2011 15:24

- в свете последних событий(теперь дерматологи чаще имеют возможность сталкиваться с паразитарными инвазиями в кожу, мигрирующая личинка, например)-дерматоскопия как помощь в диагностике(тунгиоз, песчаная блоха)
Dermoscopy: Ex vivo visualization of fleas head and bag of eggs confirms the diagnosis of Tungiasis
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Немного из "детской дерматологии":
- с такими диагнозами непросто в диагностике не только педиатру, но и дерматологу(семейные случаи) :
Infantile myofibromatosis: Two families supporting autosomal dominant inheritance
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- может напоминать укусы насекомых у детей, часто не диагностируется ввиду редкости
Lymphomatoid papulosis in children: Experience of five cases and the treatment efficacy of methotrexate
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Childhood LyP is commonly misdiagnosed due to its rarity and clinicohistological similarities to insect bite reactions.1 Pathologists should be alerted to the clinical suspicion of LyP in children with multiple nodules and perform CD30 immunostaining if appropriate. Treatments for childhood LyP have had varying success, but MTX is a safe and effective alternative. Life-long monitoring for potential malignant transformation of childhood LyP is recommended.

Acquired Localized Cutis Laxa of the Face: A Rare Presentation
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Cutis laxa - пример эластоза кожи лица, редкий приобретенный

Neonatal Lupus Erythematosus: Clinical Character, Investigation, and Outcome
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Neonatal lupus erythematosus is an uncommon maternal auto-antibody-associated disease characterized by cutaneous, cardiac, hepatic, hematological, neurological, and pulmonary involvement.

Severe Neonatal Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria
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Oral Propranolol Therapy for Infantile Hemangiomas Beyond the Proliferation Phase: A Multicenter Retrospective Study
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Pyoderma Gangrenosum-like Lesions in Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency I Treated with Intravenous Immunoglobulin
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Infantile Haemangioma
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Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy
with ocular perforation
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Congenital Vulvar Lipoma within an Accessory Labioscrotal Fold
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- дефицит биотина
Biotin Deficiency in a Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1b Girl Fed Only with Glycogen Storage Disease-Related Formula
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Spitz Nevi Arising in Speckled Lentiginous Nevus: Clinical, Histologic, and Molecular Evaluation of Two Cases
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- возможные источники никеля для детей( при аллергии-одежда)
Infant Clothing Snaps as a Potential Source of Nickel Exposure
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Dr.Anisimova 14.04.2011 16:38

Low-grade Fibromyxoid Sarcoma Arising in the Big Toe
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Patient-Oriented SCORAD (PO-SCORAD): a new self-assessment scale in atopic dermatitis validated in Europe
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- психодерматология:
Acne in Adolescents: Quality of life, self-esteem, mood, and psychological disorders
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CONCLUSION: The presence of co-morbid psychological disorders should be considered in the treatment of acne patients and future prospective trials are needed to assess the impact of treatment on psychological outcomes.

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Genital Shedding of Herpes Simplex Virus Among Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Persons With HSV-2 Infection
Conclusion Persons with asymptomatic HSV-2 infection shed virus in the genital tract less frequently than persons with symptomatic infection, but much of the difference is attributable to less frequent genital lesions because lesions are accompanied by frequent viral shedding.

Nevogenesis: A Benign Metastatic Process?
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The systemic dissemination of nevus progenitor cells through lymphatic and hematogenous routes could play a role in nevogenesis.
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Tinea Corporis Gladiatorum Presenting as a Majocchi Granuloma
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- спонтанная инволюция невуса Шпиц
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Natural Evolution of Spitz Nevi
Conclusion: In this series of lesions clinically and dermoscopically diagnosed as Spitz nevi, spontaneous involution seems to be the most common biologic behavior.

Atopic Dermatitis in Adults
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Epidermolytic acanthoma of the scrotum: A rare mimicker of condyloma acuminatum
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Epidemiology of scabies prevalence in the U.K. from general practice records
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CONCLUSIONS The study confirms earlier studies with regard to the age/sex distribution of scabies. We suggest a contagious pattern of spread of scabies infestation in the U.K. with an epidemic cycle length of 15-17 years.

Vitiligo: An Update
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Contemporary Diagnostic Imaging Modalities for the Staging and Surveillance of Melanoma Patients: A Meta-analysis
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Conclusion Among the compared modalities, ultrasonography was superior for detecting lymph node metastases, and PET-CT was superior for the detection of distant metastases in both the staging and surveillance of melanoma patients.

AAP Issues Guidelines on Limiting Sun Exposure in Children
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"Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) causes the 3 major forms of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma; squamous cell carcinoma; and cutaneous malignant melanoma,"

Water softeners fail to benefit children with eczema
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Water softeners provided no additional benefit to usual care in this study population. Small but statistically significant differences were found in some secondary outcomes as reported by parents, but it is likely that such improvements were the result of response bias, since participants were aware of their treatment allocation.

Link between dyslipidemia and lichen planus confirmed
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Conclusion The results obtained in this study indicate an association between LP and dyslipidaemia. Lipid levels screening in men or women with LP may be useful to detect individuals at risk and start preventive treatment against the development of cardiovascular disease.

Dr.Anisimova 26.04.2011 23:42

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Browse Image Collection Gallery

- отвечает специалист cfp, герпес во время беременности, ацикловир/валацикловир не ассоциируются по данным исследований с риском дефектов новорожденных, по фамвиру пока мало информации(не препарат первого выбора при беременности)
Safety of antiviral medication for the treatment of herpes during pregnancy
Studies have shown that the use of acyclovir or valacyclovir is not associated with an increase in birth defects. Limited data exist for famciclovir and therefore it would not be considered a first-line choice for treatment of herpes during pregnancy.
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- ГБ и псориаз
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Psoriasis makes hypertension harder to control
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Psoriasis varies considerably according to age, gender, race in minors
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The overall prevalence of pediatric psoriasis was lower compared with other published studies. This could be in part a result of underdiagnosis because of greater sunlight exposure in southern California and a lower proportion of non-Hispanic whites in the population.

- широко обсуждаемая тема в новостных лентах(тетрациклины длительно при акне)
Long-term antibiotic acne treatment unlikely to cause bacterial resistance
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Psoriasis carries an elevated risk of malignancies, especially in younger and in male patients. This effect is independent of systemic treatment for psoriasis. Finally, phototherapy with UVB did not increase, but rather reduced, the risk of cancer in psoriasis.

- прогноз метастазирования, маркеры для пациентов с меланомой
Plasma markers can predict metastasis in melanoma patients
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Conclusions: Plasma markers, particularly when assessed in combination, can be used to monitor patients for disease recurrence and can compliment currently used lactate dehydrogenase and imaging studies; prospective validation is warranted.

- случаи/картинки
Clinical picture of the week: Dermal naevus
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Henoch-Schonlein purpura
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Granuloma annulare vs tinea corporis
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eczema herpeticum
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- перечислены основные феномены в дерматологии "на слуху" и более редкие(гистопатология) :
Phenomena in dermatology
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- кортикостероидам при АД "да"
Evaluation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in patients with atopic dermatitis
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- еще большой вопрос, а истончают ли кожу стероиды?
Topical steriods 'do not thin skin'
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Evaluation of the Atrophogenic Potential of Topical Corticosteroids in Pediatric Dermatology Patients
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- у детей с умеренными проявлениями АД можно добиться хорошего контроля с помощью кортикостероидов без проявления побочных;
This study demonstrates that, in children with mild to moderately severe dermatitis, it is possible to obtain excellent control using TCS without also producing cutaneous atrophy. The ubiquitous fear that all forms of use of TCS will cause “thin skin” appears to be unfounded if TCS are used appropriately, even in substantial quantity and potency.

Patients should be strongly reassured that routine short- and long-term use of TCS is safe, and pharmacists and health professionals who may propagate misinformation regarding their safety require re-education.

- как изменилась классификация болезней вульвы
The impact of the latest classification system of benign vulvar diseases on the management of women with chronic vulvar pruritus
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- руки докторов и бактерии
Bacterial contamination of the hands of doctors: A study in the medicine and dermatology wards
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Conclusion: This study shows the high level of contamination of doctors' hands. It emphasizes the need for proper hygienic measures in day to day practice in hospitals to reduce the level of nosocomial infections. Also, it shows that most of the commonly used antibiotics will be ineffective in nosocomial infections.

Paraneoplastic multicentric reticulohistiocytosis: A clinicopathologic challenge
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Congenital cutis laxa with rectal and uterovaginal prolapse
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- про "хумиру" и современное лечение псориаза...пока читаем...
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Adalimumab Is Effective in Treating Chronic Plaque Psoriasis of the Hands and Feet
Adalimumab is an effective treatment of psoriasis of the palms and soles, according to a placebo-controlled trial. However, these areas are more difficult to treat than psoriasis on other body sites, and only 31% of patients treated with adalimumab for hand or foot psoriasis achieved 'clear' or 'almost clear.'
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- FDA одобрено еще одно показание к вакцине ВПЧ(анальный рак) :
human papilloma virus vaccine, quadrivalent (Gardasil)
FDA approval has widened to include the prevention of anal cancer
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Dr.Anisimova 27.04.2011 00:13

- тяжелый АД(метотрексат/азатиоприн могут быть препаратами выбора)
A randomized trial of methotrexate versus azathioprine for severe atopic eczema
Both treatments achieved clinically relevant improvement and were safe in the short term. Methotrexate and azathioprine are appropriate options for the treatment of severe atopic eczema.
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- аллергические реакции/типы реакций на препараты инсулина(2% и менее, в т.ч. на консерванты) :
Insulin allergy
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Low-dose 5-fluorouracil in combination with salicylic acid as a new lesion-directed option to treat topically actinic keratoses – histological and clinical study results
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Conclusions: Topical low-dose 5-FU/SA demonstrated higher histological and clinical clearance rates versus diclofenac HA or vehicle. Low-dose 5-FU/SA is an effective lesion-directed treatment for AKs.

A randomized clinical trial in psoriasis: synchronous balneophototherapy with bathing in Dead Sea salt solution plus narrowband UVB vs. narrowband UVB alone (TOMESA-study group)
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Genetics of atopic dermatitis
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Update: Treatment of Cutaneous Viral Warts in Children
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Dr.Anisimova 05.05.2011 20:40

- специалисты за ebm в дерматологии:
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Evidence-based medicine must reign in dermatology

American Academy of Dermatology evidence-based guideline development process: Responding to new challenges and establishing transparency
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- общий интерес, интеграция смежных специальностей: Forensics(судебная медицина) in dermatology
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- клобетазол-препарат первой линии при лихен склерозус
A double-blind, randomized controlled trial of clobetasol versus pimecrolimus in patients with vulvar lichen sclerosus
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Both clobetasol and pimecrolimus appear efficacious and well tolerated for the treatment of vulvar LS; however, clobetasol is more effective than pimecrolimus and should remain first-line therapy for LS.

- эффективность комбинации адапален/бензоил пероксид возрастает с проявлениями акне
The efficacy of adapalene-benzoyl peroxide combination increases with number of acne lesions
The relative benefit of adapalene-BPO increases with higher lesion counts at baseline
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Onychomycosis: A*proposed revision of the clinical classification
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Sex hormone–binding globulin and risk of hyperglycemia in patients with androgenetic alopecia
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Association of thyroid autoimmunity with acne in adult women
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Conclusions It is likely that thyroid autoimmunity might be more frequent in the adult acne patients and this should be kept in mind when screening women with post-adolescent acne

Hidradenitis suppurativa: a disease of the absent sebaceous gland? Sebaceous gland number and volume are significantly reduced in uninvolved hair follicles from patients with hidradenitis suppurativa
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Conclusions Our results suggest that the absence or reduced volume of the sebaceous gland may play a role in the pathogenesis of HS. The presence of fibrosis suggests that sebaceous glands are obliterated early in the pathogenesis of HS.

Triple combination therapy advised for moderate to severe acne vulgaris
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Combination therapy with adapalene-benzoyl peroxide and oral lymecycline in the treatment of moderate to severe acne vulgaris – A multicenter, randomised, double-blind controlled study

Dr.Anisimova 11.05.2011 17:01

Dermatology Diagnosis Counselor
- "советник дерматолога" для скрининга, для начинающих специалистов:
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- по полу, возрасту, локализации подбор патологий с информацией:
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- новости дерматологии
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- rss-лента
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Childhood eczema and rhinitis predict atopic but not nonatopic adult asthma: A*prospective cohort study over 4 decades
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Childhood eczema and rhinitis are strongly associated with the incidence and persistence of adult atopic asthma.

Scoring systems in pemphigus
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Cutaneous drug hypersensitivity : Immunological and genetic perspective
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Spondylodiscitis as the only clinical manifestation of the onset of psoriatic spondyloarthritis.
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Variations in the epidemiology of primary, secondary and early latent syphilis, England and Wales: 1999 to 2008
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Conclusions The continuing syphilis epidemic indicates that control has only been partially effective, with ongoing transmission being sustained. Intensive and targeted efforts delivered locally are required to interrupt further transmission

Behavioural sources of repeat Chlamydia trachomatis infections: importance of different sex partners
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Conclusions Different sex partner sources of repeat C trachomatis infections other than untreated sex partners may contribute substantially to the burden of repeat infections.

New Psoriasis Susceptibility Genes: Momentum for Skin-Barrier Disruption
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PSORS4 locus was mapped. A common deletion of two LCE genes (LCE3C_LCE3B-del) was associated with psoriasis. Individuals homozygous for the deletion have an impaired response of the skin barrier to exogenous agents, facilitating the systemic skin inflammation characteristic of psoriasis.

Medical and Environmental Risk Factors for the Development of Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia
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Conclusions* Our survey results suggest that there is a high prevalence of central hair loss among African American women. Hair styles causing traction as well as inflammation in the form of bacterial infection may be contributing to the development of CCCA. The increase in diabetes mellitus type 2 among those with CCCA is in line with the recent theory that cicatricial alopecia may be a manifestation of metabolic dysregulation.

Antibiotics, Acne, and Staphylococcus aureus Colonization
Matthew Fanelli, MD; Eli Kupperman, BA; Ebbing Lautenbach, MD, MPH; Paul
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Conclusion* Unlike current dogma about the long-term use of antimicrobial agents, the prolonged use of tetracycline antibiotics commonly used to treat acne lowered the prevalence of colonization by S aureus and did not increase resistance to the tetracycline antibiotics.

Incidence of Postherpetic Neuralgia After Combination Treatment With Gabapentin and Valacyclovir in Patients With Acute Herpes Zoster
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Conclusion* The combination of gabapentin and valacyclovir administered acutely in patients with herpes zoster reduces the incidence of postherpetic neuralgia.

Comparison of Dermoscopy, Skin Scraping, and the Adhesive Tape Test for the Diagnosis of Scabies in a Resource-Poor Setting
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Conclusions* When trained personnel are available, dermoscopy is a valid tool for diagnosing scabies in a resource-poor setting. The adhesive tape test is easy to perform and, because it has high positive and negative predictive values, the test is ideal for screening purposes. Skin scraping cannot be recommended as a diagnostic tool in this setting.

Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome in Psoriasis
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Conclusions* The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome is high among individuals with psoriasis. Given the serious complications associated with the metabolic syndrome, this frequent comorbidity should be recognized and taken into account in the long-term treatment of individuals with psoriasis.

Are Allergy Tests Useful in the Diagnostic Management of Atopic Eczema?
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Over the last decades there has been major progress in understanding the etiopathophysiology of AE. However, in the diagnostic management of AE the dermatological diagnosis using clinical criteria is the basis to be followed using diagnostic steps to detect industrial provocation factors, namely by allergy tests. Therefore, in most cases allergy, testing remains mandatory to analyze the role of food and aeroallergens.
The benefit of a positive allergy test reaction in AE may not be as apparent as in allergic rhinitis, where effective allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) is routinely available. In a recent randomized multicenter study in chronic AE, ASIT with house dust mite showed a significant benefit after 1 year (108).
Through allergy testing it is possible to identify the clinically significant individual provocation factors and to plan avoidance strategies. Avoidance recommendations are possible only after testing.

Hitting the Nail on the Head: Musings on Nails in Dermatology
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Prediction of atopic dermatitis in 2-yr-old children by cord blood IgE, genetic polymorphisms in cytokine genes, and maternal mentality during pregnancy
In conclusion, cbIgE levels, LT- and Fc?RI-? genotypes, and maternal stress during pregnancy were associated with ever having AD in 2-yr-old children. Compared with the model including gender, maternal education, and parental atopic history, adding biologic marker and maternal emotional stress during pregnancy increased the predictive ability for AD.

Conclusions: Serum levels of CCL18 correlate with the clinical severity score, serum eosinophil, and IgE levels. CCL18 is associated with AD and atopy.
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Exploring CCL18, eczema severity and atopy

Adverse effects of topical photodynamic therapy
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Lack of evidence for a link between latanoprost use and malignant melanoma: an analysis of safety databases and a review of the literature
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Conclusion There is no evidence at present that establishes a link between latanoprost use and either ocular or cutaneous melanoma.

Skin differentials - Leg cellulitis vs venous eczema
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FBN 18.05.2011 22:31

Влияет ли диета на акне?
Does Diet Really Affect Acne?
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Современное состояние лечения акне:
Current State of Acne Treatment
Highlighting Lasers, Photodynamic Therapy, and Chemical Peels
Randie H Kim PhD; April W Armstrong MD
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Лечение обыкновенных угрей:
Treating Acne Vulgaris: Systemic, Local and Combination Therapy
Laura J Savage; Alison M Layton
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С уважением, Федий Богдан Николаевич.

Dr.Anisimova 09.06.2011 12:55

Единая база данных по экземе
Создана единая база данных, информации, т.е. качественных клинических исследований(The University of Nottingham, т.е. Centre of
Evidence Based Dermatology [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ])
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Mapping randomized controlled trials of treatments for eczema - The GREAT database (The Global Resource of Eczema Trials: a collection of key data on randomized controlled trials of treatments for eczema from 2000 to 2010)
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Surgical Treatments for Lentigo Maligna: A Review
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CONCLUSIONS SSE and MMS are associated with the lowest recurrence rates for LM. Cryotherapy and radiation therapy may be considered the options for treatment of LM in patients who cannot tolerate surgery. Imiquimod, although not currently approved by the FDA, has shown some efficacy in limited experimental studies and may play a future role in the treatment of LM.

Prognostic and Risk Factors in Patients with Locally Advanced Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Trunk and Extremities
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Management of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with fibrosarcomatous transformation: an evidence-based review of the literature

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Skin Cancer Arising in Scars: A Systematic Review

Hematoxylin and Eosin Tissue Stain in Mohs Micrographic Surgery: A Review
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CONCLUSIONS The success of MMS depends on high-quality tissue sections. The staining process should be optimized to be reproducible and reliable. To readily identify and resolve poor staining quality, a firm understanding of the principles upon which tissue staining is based and its pitfalls is necessary.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising from Giant Porokeratosis
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1,064-nm Q-Switched Neodymium-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Laser and 1,550-nm Fractionated Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser for the Treatment of Nevus of Ota in Fitzpatrick Skin Type IV
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Efficacy and Durability of Two Hyaluronic Acid–Based Fillers in the Correction of Nasolabial Folds: Results of a Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Actively Controlled Clinical Pilot Study
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CONCLUSION The effect after injection of mono-HA and bi-HA is generally comparable, although there was a trend in favor of mono-HA.

A Split-Face Comparison of Two Ablative Fractional Carbon Dioxide Lasers for the Treatment of Photodamaged Facial Skin
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CONCLUSIONS Both fractionated CO2 resurfacing devices used in the study were safe and effective for the treatment of photodamaged facial skin, but the modality using a stamping handpiece was associated with longer operative times and greater intraoperative pain.

Subdermal Minimal Surgery with Hyaluronic Acid as an Effective Treatment for Neck Wrinkles
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CONCLUSION Findings from this preliminary study demonstrate that use of subdermal minimal surgery technology results in an effective decrease of the appearance of neck wrinkles.

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Treatment of Acne Scars in Asian Patients Using a 2,790-nm Fractional Yttrium Scandium Gallium Garnet Laser
CONCLUSIONS Yttrium scandium gallium garnet ablative fractional resurfacing (2,790-nm) appears to be effective and well tolerated for the treatment of atrophic acne scars in Asians.

Linear Morphea-Induced Atrophy Treated with Hyaluronic Acid Filler Injections
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Hypertrophic Scarring After Burn Scar Treatment with a 10,600-nm Carbon Dioxide Fractional Laser
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The Efficacy of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma Combined with Ablative Carbon Dioxide Fractional Resurfacing for Acne Scars: A Simultaneous Split-Face Trial
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Dr.Anisimova 09.06.2011 12:56

Общая дерматология:
- случай контактной аллергической реакции(мобильный телефон)
Bilateral Symmetrical Contact Dermatitis on the Face and Outer Thighs From the Simultaneous Use of Two Mobile Phones
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Exposure to mercury may increase adult atopic dermatitis risk
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Systemic treatment with corticosteroids in psoriasis–health care provision far beyond the S3-guidelines
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Conclusions: In Germany, psoriasis is often treated with systemic corticosteroids though these are not recommended by the S3-guideline. General practitioners and internists are the main prescribers.
In summary, the data presented for the first time indicate that in the care of patients with psoriasis inappropriate treatment with systemic corticosteroids takes place. Further studies should examine these findings and differentiate the grounds for this and determine which patients are affected.

Acne, isotretinoin and suicide attempts: a critical appraisal
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Conclusions Sundstrom et al. (BMJ 2010; 341: c5812) conclude that there was an increased risk of suicide attempts up to 6 months after the end of treatment with isotretinoin and advise close monitoring for up to a year after completing a course of treatment. Patients with a history of suicide attempts before treatment made fewer new attempts at suicide than those where suicidality was observed in connection with treatment, suggesting that patients with severe acne with a history of attempted suicide should not automatically be refused isotretinoin treatment. The authors also state that suicide risk was already rising prior to treatment and that the additional risk cannot therefore be attributed to isotretinoin use.

- псориаз/соли М. Моря
Dead Sea climatotherapy more effective for early-onset psoriasis
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Conclusions Efficacy rates following DSC were impressively high for plaque psoriasis patients. Contrary to our hypothesis, the treatment effect was found to inversely correlate with the age of the patient at disease onset.

A case of verrucous psoriasis
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Psoriasis is a common inflammatory disease with a range of clinical presentations and a chronic relapsing course. There have been few reports of verrucous psoriasis, which is distinguished by its warty appearance and characteristic histology. We report a case of this rare form of psoriasis in an elderly woman with a history of plaque-type psoriasis and and discuss the histopathologic findings.

Профилактика рецидива мелазмы:
- флуоцинолона ацетонид, гидрохинон, третиноин
Preventing melasma recurrence: prescribing a maintenance regimen with an effective triple combination cream based on long-standing clinical severity
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Conclusions After resolution of melasma with TC(containing fluocinolone acetonide, hydroquinone and tretinoin), maintenance therapy over 6 months was successful in preventing relapse in over half of the patients who entered maintenance phase. Prescribing medicines should be adapted to patients based on melasma severity.

Multiple minute digitate hyperkeratoses: A case report
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Generalized linear porokeratosis: A rare entity with excellent response to acitretin
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Classically, five clinical variants are recognized: classic porokeratosis of Mibelli, disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP), disseminated superficial porokeratosis (DSP), porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata, and linear porokeratosis. Besides these, there are a few rare atypical morphological forms such as facial porokeratosis, giant porokeratosis, punched- out porokeratosis, hypertrophic verrucous porokeratosis and reticulate porokeratosis reported in the literature [1].

Granuloma annulare of the palms
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Classification of Segmental Vitiligo on the Face
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Conclusions Newly established patterns of facial SV may be valuable for certain aspects of prognosis, such as the likely degree and path of lesion spreading.
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Six subtypes of segmental vitiligo on the face. The shadowed areas in each diagram indicate typical patterns of depigmentation. (a) Type I-a, (b) type I-b, (c) type II, (d) type III, (e) type IV and (f) type V.

- "респект" специалистам, которые во время беременности в состоянии диагностировать при еще не столь выраженных клинических проявлениях нейрофиброматоз
Bilateral Segmental Neurofibromatosis Diagnosed During Pregnancy
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Dr.Anisimova 15.06.2011 23:08

Экзема/аллергодерматозы, общая дерматология:
- лучше без натрия лаурилсульфата "эмоленты", могут ухудшать течение экземы
Aqueous cream likely to make eczema worse
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"The research has considerable implications for the formulation and labeling of such dermatological products. The action of the detergent sodium lauryl sulphate in aqueous cream is a cause of many of the issues we have identified. Unfortunately the presence of this key ingredient is often not clearly indicated and we would wish to see far more explicit labeling."

Отсроченное введение продуктов(cow's milk, chicken eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, and gluten) для детей(с 6 мес.) не предотвращает аллергозаболевания: крупное исследование, скорее наоборот. Так что принцип "без фанатизма" работает и здесь.
Delaying Intro of Allergenic Foods to Infants Not Suggested
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Conclusion* This study does not support the recommendation for delayed introduction of allergenic foods after age 6 months for the prevention of eczema and wheezing.

- кожная аллергическая реакция может быть не только на то, что снаружи, но и внутри(импланты металлические)
Cutaneous and Systemic Hypersensitivity Reactions to Metallic Implants
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Nickel, cobalt, and chromium are the three most common metals that elicit both cutaneous and extracutaneous allergic reactions from chronic internal exposure. However, other metal ions as well as bone cement components can cause such hypersensitivity reactions. To complicate things, patients may also develop delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions to metals (ie, in-stent restenosis, prosthesis loosening, inflammation, pain, or allergic contact dermatitis) following the insertion of intravascular stents, dental implants, cardiac pacemakers, or implanted gynecologic devices.

- осторожно с нпвс!
Adult purpura fulminans associated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use
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Purpura fulminans is an acute illness characterized by rapidly progressive dermal vascular thrombosis, leading to hemorrhagic necrosis of the skin. Here, we describe the case of a healthy woman who developed acute disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) with purpura fulminans after intramuscular administration of a single dose of ketorolac. Review of literature showed only one case description of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (diclofenac)-related purpura fulminans with DIC.

- "что это" или просто "интересные картинки"
Picture quiz - What links these skin problems?
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Picture quiz - What do these skin problems have in common?
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Picture quiz - what links these dermatological problems?
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Pyogenic granuloma vs amelanotic melanoma
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Clinical picture of the week: Keratocanthoma
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Impetiginised atopic eczema vs eczema herpeticum
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- КПЛ, обращаем внимание на липидный спектр и риск ССС
Chronic inflammation may explain dyslipidemia in lichen planus patients
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Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Lichen Planus
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Chronic inflammation in patients with lichen planus may explain the association with dyslipidemia. Lipid levels screening in men or women with lichen planus may be useful to detect individuals at risk and start preventive treatment against the development of cardiovascular disease.

The impact of gender on the outcome of malignant melanoma: Overview of seven EORTC phase III trials.
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Conclusions: Females exhibit a highly consistent and independent advantage in melanoma progression, metastasis and survival across all stages. Our results suggest a biological tumor-host interaction mechanism to explain this phenomenon, although hormonal status did not seem to explain the female advantage. Unraveling the melanoma gender mystery might reveal new therapeutic possibilities.

Verrucous Carcinoma of the Lip: An Unusual Kissing Type
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Recurrence After Treatment of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer
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Conclusions* Recurrence of primary NMSC after treatment occurred in less than 5% of tumors. The recurrence rate after ED&C was lower than expected, and the recurrence rate after Mohs surgery was higher than expected. These findings may be related to the risk for recurrence in the treatment groups.
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Melanoma (подробная и простая информация для пациентов и врачей)
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General Information About Melanoma
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Фотозащита: лучше полагаться на одежду(SPF кратно превышает любой крем)
Interest of external photoprotection by means of clothing and sunscreen products in young children
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Conclusion Concerning townwear, the jeans, tracksuits, sweatshirts, pullovers and tights turned out to be very photoprotective. They enable, in effect, to reach a UPF higher than 500. The mere presence of titanium dioxide and/or zinc dioxide does not mean that the product will have a high SPF. Products containing alcohol can be eliminated from the possible choices by carefully reading the label.

Psoriasis and melanocytic naevi: does the first confer a protective role against melanocyte progression to naevi?
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Conclusions People with psoriasis had fewer melanocytic naevi. This suggests that the proinflammatory cytokine network in psoriasis skin might inhibit melanogenesis, melanocyte growth and/or progression to naevi.
Psoriasis pathology may inhibit melanogenesis
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The diagnosis of early psoriatic arthritis in an outpatient dermatological centre for psoriasis
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Conclusions A diagnosis of EPsA can be correctly performed in a dermatologic outpatient facility. To do so, a close collaboration among dermatologists, rheumatologists and radiologists is necessary.

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Survival in cancer patients hospitalized for psoriasis: a population-based cohort study in Sweden
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Conclusions A previous diagnosis of psoriasis worsens the prognosis of many cancers. A worse prognosis was more pronounced in psoriatic cancer patients diagnosed at an earlier age, previously hospitalized for alcohol-related diseases, or with severe symptoms. Our study provides clinicians and patients with information about mortality risk and prognostic factors for psoriatic cancer patients. The mechanisms underlying this disparity warrant further studies.

В некоторых случаях есть смысл назначать системно антимикотики даже при негативном результате диагностики: пресловутый "индивидуальный подход" по-прежнему работает, важно, чтобы безопасно(биохимия)
A rationale for systemic treatment in onychomycosis with negative results on fungal examination
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Conclusions. In the majority of cases of initially negative examinations, consecutive laboratory fungal tests will eventually produce positive results. These findings suggest that systemic antifungal treatment should be started in patients with suspected fungal infections, even if they have negative laboratory fungal examinations.
False_negative_test_results_for_fungal_nail_infect ion_common.html
"Choice of the appropriate treatment should take into account the patient's general health, results of blood tests (complete blood count and liver and renal tests, which should all be normal), current medications, patient preference and which nails are affected," they conclude.

Пока не как стандарт-метод, но потенциально при ацикловир-усточивом герпесе
Topical imiquimod treatment of aciclovir-resistant herpes simplex disease: case series and literature review
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Dr.Anisimova 15.06.2011 23:42

- контактная аллергия у медиков(цефалоспорины)
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Occupational contact allergy to cephalosporins
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- кальциноз кожи в 2-х частях
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Efficacy of tacrolimus 0.1% ointment in cutaneous lupus erythematosus: A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, vehicle-controlled trial
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Explorative subgroup analyses revealed that topical application of tacrolimus 0.1% ointment may provide at least temporary benefit, especially in acute, edematous, non-hyperkeratotic lesions of CLE patients, suggesting that calcineurin inhibitors may represent an alternative treatment for the various disease subtypes.

Classification of hand eczema: clinical and aetiological types. Based on the guideline of the Danish Contact Dermatitis Group
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Dr.Anisimova 28.06.2011 02:28

- подробная статья о физиологических изменениях/дерматозах во время беременности:
Physiologic changes and dermatoses of pregnancy
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- АД/экземы:
Atopic dermatitis: a disease of altered skin barrier and immune dysregulation
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Contact sensitization pattern in 172 atopic subjects
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Egg allergy in patients over 14 years old suffering from atopic eczema
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Conclusion Egg allergy may play an important role in the worsening of atopic eczema acting as a triggering–exacerbating factor in a minority of patients. The diagnostic work-up may comprise the challenge tests to confirm the food allergy to egg.

- нет данных за то, что есть смысл при прекращении ГВ для профилактики аллергозаболеваний использовать частично-гидролиз. смеси
Effect of a partially hydrolyzed whey infant formula at weaning on risk of allergic disease in high-risk children: A*randomized controlled trial
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Despite current dietary guidelines, we found no evidence to support recommending the use of pHWF at weaning for the prevention of allergic disease in high-risk infants.

Disposable nappies for preventing napkin dermatitis in infants: a summarised Cochrane review
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Authors’ conclusions
There is not enough evidence from good quality randomised controlled trials to support or refute the use and type of disposable napkins for the prevention of napkin dermatitis in infants.

- псориаз:
- алкоголь и псориаз "несовместимы", был средней степени тяжести-может быть в итоге более тяжелой:
Alcohol misuse high in moderate to severe psoriasis patients
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The team notes: "Based on our results, we propose that all patients with moderate to severe psoriasis should be screened with the AUDIT questionnaire."
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Conclusion Alcohol misuse is common in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis. Screening with the AUDIT questionnaire and CDT may allow the identification of patients who are misusing alcohol and allow appropriate intervention.

Stress and quality of life in psoriasis: an update
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- разное:
Approach to reticulate hyperpigmentation
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Low-dose UVA1 phototherapy for scleroderma: what benefit can we expect?
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Conclusions Our experience allows us to conclude that low-dose UVA1 phototherapy is a well tolerated option, with excellent results mainly in patients with morphea. This treatment is a valuable contribution to these patients, given the limited therapeutic options available.

Acroangiodermatitis in a below-knee amputation stump
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Histiocytoid Sweet syndrome
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Tender erythematous papules on the elbows, buttocks and knees
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Interventions for Old World cutaneous leishmaniasis: a summarised Cochrane review
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- хороший шампунь, да не наш("клобекс", "clobex", некоторым пациентам с псориазом волос. части головы хотя бы, удается заказать)
Efficacious and safe management of moderate to severe scalp seborrhoeic dermatitis using clobetasol propionate shampoo 0·05% combined with ketoconazole shampoo 2%: a randomized, controlled study
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Conclusions The combination therapy of twice-weekly CP alternating with twice-weekly KC provided significantly greater efficacy than KC alone and a sustained effect in the treatment of moderate to severe scalp seborrhoeic dermatitis.

Clinical and healthcare status of patients with neurofibromatosis type 1
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Clinical features of idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis in 646 subjects and association with other aspects of photoaging
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Conclusions It is very likely that IGH is a phenomenon associated with the skin’s normal aging process and repeated microtrauma to skin.

- неплохая статья по тяжелым лекарственным реакциям:
Severe adverse cutaneous drug eruptions: epidemiological and clinical features
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Our study showed the importance of a thorough clinical and biological examination in the management of patients with specific forms of drug eruption, in search of severity makers enabling the detection of visceral involvement that require specific treatment. Besides, any prescription has to be justified because it could be responsible for a severe life-threatening ACDR.

- пузырные:
Direct immunofluorescence of plucked hair for evaluation of immunologic remission in pemphigus vulgaris
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The sensitivity of hair DIF was not high enough to allow us to suggest it as a substitute for conventional DIF. On the other hand, one cannot disregard positive cases of hair DIF in the setting of negative biopsy DIF. As hair plucking is less invasive than biopsy, the following approach could be suggested: hair DIF may be repeated in patients in clinical remission until negative; then conventional DIF should be performed, too. The physician can decide to stop treatment only when DIF assays on both substrates are negative.

Drug-induced pemphigus
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Ultrastructure and molecular pathogenesis of epidermolysis bullosa
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- онкология
Dermoscopy of Pigmented Lesions of the Mucosa and the Mucocutaneous Junction
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Conclusion* The combination of blue, gray, or white color with structureless zones are the strongest indicators when differentiating between benign and malignant mucosal lesions in dermoscopy.

What’s new in skin cancer? An analysis of guidelines and systematic reviews published in 2008–2009
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Imiquimod 5% cream for the treatment of nasal lesion of metastatic renal cell carcinoma
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Consequently, imiquimod may be safely used to treat not only primary skin tumors, but also skin metastases, which is a vascular abundant tumor like RCC. The present authors also believe this imiquimod cream may become a therapeutic option for metastatic skin lesions, especially for facial lesions for which total resection cannot be performed for cosmetic reasons.

Clinical and dermoscopic features of 88 scalp naevi in 39 children
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easl 11.07.2011 20:07

Cephalosporin Susceptibility Among Neisseria gonorrhoeae Isolates --- United States, 2000--2010
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Dr.Anisimova 29.07.2011 23:00

New horizons for cutaneous microbiology: the role of biofilms in dermatological disease
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Cardiomyopathy with Alopecia and Palmoplantar Keratoderma (CAPK) is caused by a JUP mutation
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the*Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology
Year*: 2011* |**Volume*: 77* |**Issue*: 4
Lichenoid tissue reaction/interface dermatitis: Recognition, classification, etiology, and clinicopathological overtones
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Epidermolysis bullosa: Where do we stand?
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Bullous pemphigoid
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Evidence-based treatments for pemphigus vulgaris, pemphigus foliaceus, and bullous pemphigoid: A systematic review
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Dermatoses in the first 72 h of life: A clinical and statistical survey
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Chronic urticaria in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis: Significance of severity of thyroid gland inflammation
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Spectrum of seborrheic keratoses in south Indians: A clinical and dermoscopic study
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Primary focal hyperhidrosis: current treatment options and a step-by-step approach
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Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) can be local, regional or general.
Table*4.* Current surgical and non-surgical treatment options in a step-by-step approach for the four most frequent forms of primary focal hyperhidrosis (axillary, palmar, plantar, craniofacial hyperhidrosis)

Acitretin Revisited
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The use of acitretin over the last 20 years has proven to be an effective treatment and adjunct in a number of dermatological conditions. A thorough understanding of the drug, its efficacy, and potential side-effects is important for yielding a beneficial therapeutic outcome for patients.

Evidence-based (S3) guideline on topical corticosteroids in pregnancy[Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]
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Women with skin conditions may need topical corticosteroids during pregnancy.
However, little is known about the effects of topical corticosteroids on the fetus.

Short and medium-term efficacy of specific hydrotherapy in inherited ichthyosis
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Conclusion: A 3-week treatment at Avene hydrotherapy Centre provided significant and persisting improvement of QoL and clinical symptoms of patients with inherited ichthyoses.

Pellagra: A Clinical, Histopathological, and Epidemiological Study of 7 Cases.
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Pellagra should be ruled out in patients with lesions on sun-exposed areas. Predisposing factors for pellagra should be assessed along with the social situation of patients and the presence of digestive or neurological abnormalities.

Successful treatment of disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis with calcipotriol
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Idiopathic scrotal calcinosis: report of two cases and review of literature
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Contagious Itch in Humans
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Conclusions Human susceptibility to develop itch when exposed to visual cues is confirmed; it appears to be amplified in patients with AD. These findings suggest that interpersonal social cues can dramatically alter the subjective sensory experience of itch.

Pyoderma gangrenosum, acne, and suppurative hidradenitis (PASH)–a new autoinflammatory syndrome distinct from PAPA syndrome
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The clinical triad of pyoderma gangrenosum, acne, and suppurative hidradenitis represents a new disease entity within the spectrum of autoinflammatory syndromes, similar to PAPA and aseptic abscesses syndrome. For this disease, we propose the acronym “PASH” syndrome. PASH syndrome may respond to IL-1? blockade.

Question: Can you identify this condition?
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The oral and skin pathergy test
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Conditions with positive pathergy phenomenon:
Behcet's disease [40]
Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG): The pathergy test positivity at a rate of 25% has been reported in the literature in PG patients. [41] Aggressive surgical debridement or skin grafting is discouraged in these patients because of the risk of a pathergic response.
Interferon alpha-treated chronic myeloid leukemia patients [42]
Sweets syndrome [43],[44]
Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis [45]
Inflammatory bowel disease [46]
Healthy individuals [47]
Rarely in spondyloarthropathies

Chronic urticaria in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis: Significance of severity of thyroid gland inflammation
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Oxalosis Involving the Skin
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This case highlights the variability of clinical presentations in primary hyperoxaluria and that the disease can be diagnosed in adulthood. In addition, this case demonstrates that hyperoxaluria should be included in the differential diagnosis of calciphylaxis and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.

A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial
Indicates That Sunscreen Use Reduced the Risk
of Developing Melanoma
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Identification of Ketoconazole as an AhR-Nrf2 Activator in Cultured Human Keratinocytes: The Basis of Its Anti-Inflammatory Effect
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Handling Botulinum Toxins: An Updated Literature Review
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Hemangiomas Erased With Propranolol
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Venous ulcer review
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Thrombophilia mimicking necrotizing fasciitis in a pregnant woman
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Lyngbya dermatitis (toxic seaweed dermatitis)
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Dr.Anisimova 29.07.2011 23:10

Vitamin D, Calcium Combo May Halve Melanoma Risk in Some Women
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Conclusion Vitamin D supplementation at a relatively low dose plus calcium did not reduce the overall incidence of NMSC or melanoma. However, in women with history of NMSC, CaD supplementation reduced melanoma risk, suggesting a potential role for calcium and vitamin D supplements in this high-risk group. Results from this post hoc subgroup analysis should be interpreted with caution but warrant additional investigation.
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"More studies need to be done, because we want to make sure these results are true in other communities," Tang said.
The report was published in the June 27 online edition of the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
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Calcium Plus Vitamin D Not Effective for Skin Cancer, But...
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Intralesional Infusion of Methotrexate as Neoadjuvant Therapy Improves the Cosmetic and Functional Results of Surgery to Treat Keratoacanthoma: Results of a Randomized Trial.
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Neoadjuvant intralesional methotrexate is well tolerated and reduces the need for aggressive surgery in elderly patients with keratoacanthoma measuring more than 1.5cm on the face or extremities.

In vivo confocal microscopy for detection and grading of dysplastic nevi: A pilot study
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The possibility to detect dysplastic nevi in*vivo may lead to an appropriate management decision.

Spectrum of seborrheic keratoses in south Indians: A clinical and dermoscopic study
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Guideline Melanocytic nevi
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Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Situ: A Review
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Systemic treatment of locally-advanced, nonmetastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: a review of the literature
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Safety, efficacy, and patient acceptability of imiquimod for topical treatment of actinic keratoses
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Current and emerging treatment strategies for the treatment of actinic keratosis
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Dermoscopy of scalp tumours: a multi-centre study conducted by the international dermoscopy society
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New or unusual dermatopathology tumors: a review
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Isolated distal cutaneous thrombosis: An unusual presentation and an interesting etiology
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Generalized eruptive histiocytosis mimicking leprosy
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Ectodermal dysplasia-skin fragility syndrome
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Vancomycin-induced linear IgA bullous dermatosis mimicking toxic epidermal necrolysis
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Systemic (allergic) contact dermatitis to diclofenac
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Laugier-Hunziker syndrome
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"Paradoxical" adverse effects caused by anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha biological drugs: Appearance of psoriasis in a patient treated with infliximab for rheumatoid arthritis
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Spontaneous regression of a congenital melanocytic nevus
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Epidemiological trends in contact dermatitis to hair dye: Comparing para-phenylenediamine positivity after a decade long interval
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Retrospective study of spectrum of cutaneous lymphoma presenting to dermatology
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Perforating lichen planus
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Response to Antimalarial Agents in Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus
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Conclusions* The use of quinacrine with hydroxychloroquine is associated with response in patients for whom hydroxychloroquine monotherapy fails. Further reduction in disease activity can be associated with continuation of treatment with antimalarial agents.

Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis Simulating Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
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Conclusions* Because overlap exists, AGEP should be considered in the differential diagnosis of widespread blistering and erosive conditions. A greater understanding of how to differentiate AGEP and TEN can lead to quicker diagnosis as well as more effective case management and treatment.

Pemphigus and pregnancy: A 23-year experience
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