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V. ZAITSEV 23.12.2001 14:36

Velio Bocci.
Curriculum vitae
Velio Bocci since 1971 is Professor of General Physiology and since 1978 Director of the Institute at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Siena, Italy. He was awarded the Medical Doctor degree at the University of Siena in 1954, the specialization in Respiratory Diseases and Clinical Hematology at the University of Rome (1958) and at the University of Florence (1975), respectively.
After a brief training in Surgery, he went back in 1956 to the Institute of General Physiology at the University of Siena where, with some intermissions, he has worked since then. In fact he got further training in Biophysics at the National Institute for Medical Research in London (1959-1961), in Biochemistry at the Maudsley Institute in London (1964-1965) with a Nato fellowship, in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Buffalo, US (1967-1969) with a Buswell Fellowship. He has spent also brief periods in Biochemistry at the University of Uppsala (1972) and in Neurochemistry at the University of Goettingen in 1976.
He is the author of about 305 publications and monographs mostly published in international, peer-reviewed journals including a book on Interferons (1993) and a book on oxygen-ozone therapy (2000). His fields of research include important subjects such as plasma protein separation, labelling and metabolism, neurochemistry of isolated neuronal cells, erythrocyte metabolism, pharmacology and physiological significance of interferons and, more recently, the induction of endogenous cytokines using ozone. Since 1991, he has contributed crucial research papers regarding the biologic effects of ozone aiming at making ozonetherapy a truly scientific endeavour.

Elenco Pubblicazioni:
1. Bocci, V. Has Ozonetherapy any future in the West? (Some critical comments).. Practice of Ozonetherapy 1: 4-9, 1996.
2. Bocci, V. Ozone: a mixed blessing. New mechanisms of the action of ozone on blood cells make ozonated major autohaemotherapy (MAH) a rational approach. Forsch. Komplementдrmed. 3: 25-33, 1996.
3. Bocci, V., E. Luzzi, F. Corradeschi, L. Paulesu, A. Di Stefano, S. Silvestri, and C. Aldinucci. Development of a biological response modifiers system based upon stimulation of blood with ozone ex vivo and reinfusion. 3rd Symposium on Biological Therapy of Cancer, Munich. April 19-22, 1995. Eur. J. Cancer 1996.(In Press)
4. Bocci, V. and F. Shallenberger. Treatment of AID syndrome with ozonated major autohaemotherapy (MAH). In:INSERM (Focus Serie) Proceedings book "HIV" and Cytokines", Reims 1995. Atti Congressuali 1996.(In Press)
5. Bocci, V. Autoemoterapia dopo ozonizzazione del sangue ex vivo. Un trattamento con molte potenzialitа ancora da esplorare.. Professione 1996.(In Press)
6. Bocci, V. Lettura magistrale: perche' l'ozonoterapia e' una pratica medica trascurata. Atti del VI Congresso della Societa' Italiana di Ossigeno-Ozonoterapia, Roma, 29 settembre/10 ottobre 1994. Acta Toxicol. Ther. XVII(2-3): 77-82, 1996.
7. Bocci, V. Does ozone therapy normalize the cellular redox balance?. Med. Hypotheses 46: 150-154, 1996.
8. Bocci, V. Terapia convenzionale o alternativa. Un dilemma da risolvere. Prolusione tenuta per l'inaugurazione del 755o a.a. dell'Universitа degli Studi di Siena. Annuario dell'Universita' degli Studi di Siena A.A.1995/96 1996.(In Press)
9. Bocci, V., S. Silvestri, F. Corradeschi, E. Luzzi, and C. Aldinucci. Verso una razionalizzazione della ozonoterapia. Atti del VI Congresso della Societa' Italiana di Ossigeno-Ozono Terapia, Roma, 29 settembre/10 ottobre 1994. Acta Toxicol. Ther. XVII(2-3): 185-199, 1996.
10. Bocci, V. Ozonetherapy has become of age in Russia. Practice of Ozonetherapy 1: 31996.
11. Borrelli, E., P. Giomarelli, A. Naldini, E. Luzzi, S. Silvestri, M. Gardinali, and V. Bocci. Plasma levels of immunosuppressive mediators during cardiopulmonary bypass. Mediat. Inflamm. 5: 51-55, 1996.
12. Diadori, A., A. Nuti, G. Ferrari, F. Corradeschi, and V. Bocci. Ozone therapy: a new perspective in ophthalmology. Montpellier, october 9/13, 1996. Vision Res. 36(suppl.): 4181996.(Abstract)
13. Flori, M. L., P. Rubegni, A. D,G., E. Stanghellini, L. Andreassi, E. Luzzi, and V. Bocci. L'ozono nel trattamento della psoriasi. Atti del VI Congresso della Societa' Italiana di Ossigeno-Ozono terapia, Roma, 29 settembre/10 ottobre 1994. Acta Toxicol. Ther. XVII(2-3): 137-146, 1996.
14. Pessina, G. P., C. Aldinucci, F. Corradeschi, and V. Bocci. Both interleukin-1 alpha and tumour necrosis factor-alpha released by alveolar macrophages are depressed after lipopolysaccharide challenge in chronic smoker rats. Med Sci Res 24: 457-459, 1996.
15. Aldinucci, C., G. P. Pessina, F. Corradeschi, and V. Bocci. The role of the smoke in the pharmacokinetic of cytokines assessed by the use of isolated and perfused rat lungs. Riunione congiunta monotematica sul metabolismo degli xenobiotici, Siena, 3-4 novembre 1995. Atti Congressuali 551995.(Abstract)
16. Bocci, V. Immunologische Aspekte - eine kritische Betrachtung aus italianischer Sicht -. In: Ozon - Handbuck. Grundlagen. Prдvention. Therapie, edited by Beck and Viebahn-Hдnsler. Landsberg: Ecomed, p. 1-16.1995,
17. Bocci, V. Effetti comportamentali degli interferoni. VI Congresso della Societa` Italiana di Neuroscienze, Milano, 25-28 Giugno 1995. Atti Congressuali 2401995.(Abstract)
18. Bocci, V. Ozonetherapy today. In: Proceedings Ozone in Medicine. 12th World Congress of the International Ozone Association, 15th to 18th May 1995, Lille, France, edited by International Ozone Association. Tours: Instaprint S.A., p. 13-28.1995,
19. Bocci, V. Ricerche di base sul meccanismo d'azione dell'ossigeno-ozonoterapia. Congresso Nazionale - Corso di Aggiornamento - "Progressi scientifici nelle tecniche mediche complementari", 16-17 giugno 1995, Padova.. Atti Congressuali 421995.(Abstract)
20. Bocci, V. Tutte le vocazioni dell'ozono. Il Giornale del Medico 4: 51995.
21. Buonocore, G., M. De Filippo, D. Gioia, E. Picciolini, E. Luzzi, V. Bocci, and R. Bracci. Maternal and neonatal plasma cytokine levels in relation to mode of delivery. Biol. Neonate 68: 104-110, 1995.
22. Naldini, A., F. Carraro, and V. Bocci. Effects of hypoxia on the antiproliferative activity of human interferons. J. Interferon Cytokine Res. 15: 137-142, 1995.
23. Pessina, G. P., L. Paulesu, F. Corradeschi, C. Aldinucci, E. Luzzi, and V. Bocci. Pulmonary catabolism of interferon- evaluated by lung perfusion of both normal and smoke-exposed rats. J. Interferon Cytokine Res. 15: 225-230, 1995.
24. Pessina, G. P., L. Paulesu, F. Corradeschi, E. Luzzi, C. Aldinucci, M. Tanzini, and V. Bocci. Pharmacokinetics and catabolism of tumor necrosis factor- in rat lungs. Immunopharmacology 29: 245-250, 1995.

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25. Shallenberger, F. and V. Bocci. Treatment of AID syndrome with ozonated autohemotherapy. First Int. Symp. on HIV and Cytokines, 15-17 March 1995, Reims. Eur. Cytokine Netw. Special Issue: D291995.(Abstract)
26. Bocci, V. Pharmacology and side-effects of interferons. Antivir. Res. 24: 111-119, 1994.
27. Bocci, V., F. Corradeschi, A. Di Stefano, E. Luzzi, and L. Ricci Paulesu. Treatment of human blood with ozone ex vivo induces production of TNFalpha and other cytokines. Eur. Cytokine Netw. 5: 2051994.(Abstract)
28. Bocci, V. Quali nuove modalità di somministrazione meritano di essere studiate?. Trends Exp. Clin. Med. 4.1(suppl.1): 361994.(Abstract)
29. Bocci, V., E. Luzzi, F. Corradeschi, and L. Paulesu. Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 5. Evaluation of immunological parameters and tolerability in normal volunteers receiving ambulatory autohaemotherapy.. Biotherapy 7: 83-90, 1994.
30. Bocci, V. Autohaemotherapy after treatment of blood with ozone. A reappraisal.. J. Int. Med. Res. 22: 131-144, 1994.
31. Bocci, V. Understanding the physiology and pharmacology of interferons. Interaction 2: 20-25, 1994.
32. Bocci, V., E. Luzzi, F. Corradeschi, and S. Silvestri. Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 6. Production of transforming growth factor 1 by human blood after ozone treatment. J. Biol. Regulat. Homeost. Agent. 8: 108-112, 1994.
33. Bocci, V. A reasonable approach for the treatment of HIV infection in the early phase with ozonetherapy (autohemotherapy). How inflammatory cytokines may have a therapeutic role. Mediat. Inflamm. 3: 315-321, 1994.
34. Bocci, V., F. Corradeschi, E. Luzzi, C. Aldinucci, L. Paulesu, and S. D. Silvestri. Ozonoterapia: ieri, oggi e domani ?. Ossigeno Ozono/ Fitness & News VI: 1-2, 1994.
35. Bocci, V., F. Corradeschi, S. Silvestri, E. Luzzi, and L. Paulesu. Further evaluation of the therapeutic index of ozone used in autohemotherapy. Ozone Application In Medicine, Thu, Spt. 1, 1994, Zurich Switzerland. Atti Congressuali 161994.(Abstract)
36. Naldini, A., S. Cesari, and V. Bocci. Effects of hypoxia on the cytotoxicity mediated by TNF. Lymphokine Cytokine Res. 13: 233-238, 1994.
37. Naldini, A., D. H. Carney, V. Bocci, G. P. Pessina, and G. R. Klimpel. Human alpha-thrombin as a growth factor: enhancement of T lymphocytes proliferative responses. Riun. Primaverile SIF, 1994.. Atti Congressuali 1994.(Abstract)
38. Pessina, G. P., L. Paulesu, C. Aldinucci, E. Luzzi, F. Corradeschi, and V. Bocci. Induction of cytokines in the lungs upon cigarette smoking in rats. What is the fate of cytokines? CNR Prog. Finalizzato FATMA SP2, Follonica (GR), 14-16 dic. 1994. Atti Congressuali 631994.(Abstract)
39. Pessina, G. P., L. Paulesu, F. Corradeschi, C. Aldinucci, E. Luzzi, M. Tanzini, and V. Bocci. The role of the lungs of normal and smoker rats in the catabolism of cytokines. X Congr. Naz. Ass. It. Immunofarmacologia, Perugia, 10-11 Giugno 1994. Atti Congressuali 1994.(Abstract)
40. Bocci, V. Gli interferoni. (Edizione aggiornata). In: Medicina Clinica Vol.1, edited by Anonymous. Torino: C.G. Ed. Med. Scient., p. 657-680.1993,
41. Bocci, V. Endogenous production of interferon: physiological significance and practical implications. In: Lymphoblastoid Interferon. Current aspects and future perspectives. Proceedings of the first int. symposium on lymphoblastoid alpha-interferon, Porto Cervo, Sardinia, May 1992, edited by Anonymous. The Royal Society of Medicine. Supplement to Current Medical Literature. Virology, p. 24-31.1993,
42. Bocci, V., L. Paulesu, and G. P. Pessina. The renal catabolic pathways of cytokines. In: Kidney, proteins and drugs: an update, edited by C. Bianchi, V. Bocci, F. A. Carone, and R. Rabkin. Basel: Karger, p. 55-60.1993,
43. Bocci, V., E. Luzzi, F. Corradeschi, L. Paulesu, R. Rossi, E. Cardaioli, and P. Di Simplicio. Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 4. Cytokine production and glutathione levels in human erythrocytes.. J. Biol. Regulat. Homeost. Agent. 7: 133-138, 1993.
44. Bocci, V., K. von Bremen, F. Corradeschi, F. Franchi, E. Luzzi, and L. Paulesu. Presence of interferon-gamma and interleukin-6 in colostrum of normal women. Lymphokine Cytokine Res. 12: 21-24, 1993.
45. Bocci, V., E. Luzzi, F. Corradeschi, L. Paulesu, and A. Di Stefano. Studies on the biological effects of ozone: 3. An attempt to define conditions for optimal induction of cytokines. Lymphokine Cytokine Res. 12: 121-126, 1993.
46. Bocci, V. Interferon. Una storia recente ed antichissima. Fisiopatologia e clinica del sistema interferon. Antea Edizioni, p. 1-205.1993.
47. Bocci, V., F. Carraro, M. Zeuli, A. Naldini, and F. Calabresi. The lymphatic route. VIII. Distribution and plasma clearance of recombinant human interleukin-2 after SC administration with albumin in patients. Biotherapy 6: 73-77, 1993.
48. Bocci, V. Mistletoe (viscum album) lectins as cytokine inducers and immunoadjuvant in tumor therapy. A review. J. Biol. Regulat. Homeost. Agent. 7: 1-6, 1993.
49. Naldini, A., D. H. Carney, V. Bocci, K. D. Klimpel, M. Asuncion, L. E. Soares, and G. R. Klimpel. Thrombin enhances T cell proliferative responses and cytokine production. Cell. Immunol. 147: 367-377, 1993.
50. Naldini, A., F. Carraro, W. R. Fleischmann,Jr., and V. Bocci. Hypoxia enhances the antiviral activity of interferons.. J. Interferon Res. 13: 127-132, 1993.
51. Paulesu, L., R. Romagnoli, R. La Rosa, F. Severi, M. Cintorino, and V. Bocci. Immune interferon and receptors in human pregnancy. Pflugers Arch. -Eur. J. Physiol. 424: 171993.(Abstract)
52. Pessina, G. P., L. Paulesu, F. Corradeschi, E. Luzzi, M. Tanzini, A. Di Stefano, G. Matteucci, and V. Bocci. Production of tumor necrosis factor by rat alveolar macrophages collected after acute cigarette smoking. Archivum Immunologiae & Therapiae Experimentalis 41: 343-348, 1993.
53. Pessina, G. P., L. Paulesu, F. Corradeschi, E. Luzzi, M. Tanzini, C. Aldinucci, A. Di Stefano, and V. Bocci. Chronic cigarette smoking enhances spontaneous release of tumour necrosis factor- from alveolar macrophages of rats. Mediat. Inflamm. 2: 423-428, 1993.
54. Pessina, G. P., V. Bocci, F. Carraro, A. Naldini, and L. Paulesu. The lymphatic route. IX. Distribution of recombinant interferon-2 administered subcutaneously with oedematogenic drugs. Physiol. Res. 42: 243-250, 1993.
55. Pessina, G. P., L. Paulesu, F. Corradeschi, E. Luzzi, A. Di Stefano, M. Tanzini, G. Matteucci, and V. Bocci. Effects of acute cigarette smoke exposure on macrophage kinetics and release of tumour necrosis factor in rats. Mediat. Inflamm. 2: 119-122, 1993.
56. Bocci, V. Ozonization of blood for the therapy of viral diseases and immunodeficiencies. A hypothesis. Med. Hypotheses 39: 30-34, 1992.
57. Bocci, V. The neglected organ: bacterial flora has a crucial immunostimulatory role. Perspect. Biol. Med. 35: 251-260, 1992.
58. Bocci, V. Physicochemical and biologic properties of interferons and their potential uses in drug delivery systems.. Crit. Rev. Ther. Drug Carr. Syst. 9: 91-133, 1992.
59. Naldini, A., V. Bocci, D. H. Carney, and G. R. Klimpel. The effects of alpha-thrombin on T cell activation and cytokine production. 2nd Int. Congress on "Cytokines: basic principles and clinical applications", Florence, March 23-25, 1992. Atti Congressuali 211992.(Abstract)
60. Paulesu, L., E. Luzzi, F. Corradeschi, M. Tanzini, G. Matteucci, G. P. Pessina, and V. Bocci. Production of tumor necrosis factor and interferon by alveolar macrophages of rats after acute cigarette smoking. Eur. Cytokine Netw. 3: 2641992.(Abstract)
61. Paulesu, L., G. P. Pessina, and V. Bocci. Human beta-interferon incubated with muscle homogenate is protected by albumin but not by proteinase inhibitors. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 200: 414-417, 1992.

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