Дискуссионный Клуб Русского Медицинского Сервера. Дневники участников
Случайная запись из дневника qwerty
Последние фарм. рекомендации по приему альбендазолаЗапись от qwerty размещена 17.03.2015 в 17:00
Сообщение от Joel Thome (PharmD), Mary Wen (PharmD)
There are some important pharmacokinetic properties to consider. Albendazole may be taken with or without food, and the ideal choice is based on the location of the parasitic infection. Because very little is systemically absorbed, the dosing for intestinal infections in children and adults is similar. It is important to understand that food increases albendazole absorption, particularly a fatty meal. For luminal infections (e.g.,... |