Просмотр полной версии : Clinical Classifications and Terminologies

HIA Student
14.01.2005, 20:39
Learning Objectives

• To differentiate among, and to identify the correct uses of, classifications, nomenclatures, and terminologies
• To discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the classification systems currently required in the United States
• To describe a quality assessment procedure for coding
• To differentiate between encoding and automated coding and to describe how each can be used in the coding process
• To analyze corporate compliance policies and procedures for appropriateness
• To discuss emerging healthcare terminologies
• To identify data retrieval needs and to select a terminology most likely to meet them
• To understand the need for a terminology in a computer-based patient record

P.S. Izvinite, chto na latinitse, mne interesen input specialistov po danoy teme. Polzuyutsa li sistemoy ICD-9 v Rossi, i dla kakix tseley, kak eto mojet bit primeneno v medicinskom businesse v Rossii.

14.01.2005, 21:39
Извините, что на русском, ;) но в России применяют МКБ-10. Вот для всех этих целей. Как это применить в бизнесе - ума не приложу!