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Старый 25.12.2001, 13:24
V. ZAITSEV V. ZAITSEV вне форума Пол мужской
Регистрация: 25.07.2001
Сообщений: 3,330
Ozone Therapy & Its Effects
1. Today's situation in the world
We have been seeing a massive increase in the incidence of chronic diseases of all types all over the world in the last 150 years. The reason for this is undoubtedly the toxic pollution of our planet and man's inability to adapt to it. The use of ozone (which I will describe in great detail in this monograph) has been growing in all countries in the world except the U.S.

Ozone therapy can be beneficial to most chronic illnesses as well as come acute infections. Why do 12,000,000 Germans use it daily for their chronic illnesses and why do 7,000 German physicians administer it in their offices? Because it is a very effective treatment modality.

Why has the U.S. not seen its use become common? Very simply, "money!" The pharmaceutical industry and the FDA are keeping this wonderful tool out of the hands of physicians because it might bankrupt the pharmaceutical industry if it ever got into general usage. It's very simple! Ozone is the safest therapy available on the planet for treatment of illness and might even be the least expensive (if in the hands of the public themselves). How come you don't know about it? They don't want you to!

In the last several years there have been laws passed in 10 states that protect the physician from state medical board harassment and finally great therapies will be more available to the public in these states. These laws allow non-FDA approved therapies to be used between a physician & his patient as long as "duel-consent" is in place and the patient has been thoroughly informed. The states that have passed these laws are:

New York
New Mexico
North Carolina

We have decided after years of deliberating to offer ozone therapy to our patients with chronic disease. You will be asked as usual to sign many consent forms because this is considered in the U.S. an experimental and investigational therapy, although Germany and many other countries teach it in their medical schools. It is safe, effective and over time can help treat and prevent a myriad of chronic degenerative disease.

2. Background
Ozone is a blue gas at room temperature. Its formula is O3 (it has 3 oxygen atoms joined together). In the air or body it quickly converts to O2 (Oxygen) and O° (superoxide anion) which is a free radical; but is handled quickly by the increased enzyme SOD so that no damage can occur to the body.

It is produced when ultra-violet light from the sun irradiates molecular oxygen in the air or by certain generators that create it. In nature it fills a protective curtain during daylight over the earth. At night there is no "ozone curtain."

In 1840 it was first described by Scheubein and called ozone because the Greek word "ozein" is smelling. By 1851 ozone was being produced industrially. Over the years it been found useful in:

Purifying drinking water
Oxidizing organic compounds
Killing bacteria and fungi
Destroying viruses (by 1960)

It was even mentioned as a use for treating soft tissue infections by one physician in 1900.

A physicist, J. Haensler, in the 1950's developed an apparatus by giving off electrical charges generated exactly definable amounts of ozone from the use of medical oxygen. In 1954 the first patent for an apparatus to produce ozone from medical grade oxygen was issued. Today there are standard machines that generate exactly defined amounts of gas and which return the unused part back to the oxygen form.

Ozone has a half-life at room temperature of 45 minutes. Thus half is gone in 45 minutes with an accompanying increase in oxygen.

Ozone today for medical purposes is made with ozygen; the ozone part being 0.5 - 5%.

3. What are the illnesses that ozone can be used to treat (see separate sheet for complete list)?
Immune Deficiencies
Chronic Fatigue
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Neurodegenerative and Neurological diseases
4. How does ozone work?
In a simple explanation it reacts with molecules of the body to form ozonides which are quite stable (unlike free radicals). "Ozonides" can penetrate cell membranes and speed up reactions. The long-term effect of ozone can persist for years.

5. Who should not get ozone?
Active alcoholics
Recent heart attack patients
Active bleeding from any site
Active hyperthyroidism
Platelet disorder patients
Patients with Ozone allergy

Ozone is a simple, safe and effective method to aid in healing of the body.