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Старый 21.04.2002, 13:44
V. ZAITSEV V. ZAITSEV вне форума Пол мужской
Регистрация: 25.07.2001
Сообщений: 3,330
Уважаемый Алексей Викторович!

Может перед тем, как будем клеймить «чудовищные масштабы медицинского шарлатанства в России» и практикующих это «врачей, работающих в весьма солидных медучреждениях». Ненадолго отвлечемся на самую передовую в медицинских и в других сферах бытия страну – США. И ответим на вопрос, так и оставшийся на форуме без ответа.


We have been seeing a massive increase in the incidence of chronic diseases of all types all over the world in the last 150 years. The reason for this is undoubtedly the toxic pollution of our planet and man's inability to adapt to it. The use of ozone (which I will describe in great detail in this monograph) has been growing in all countries in the world except the U.S.
Ozone therapy can be beneficial to most chronic illnesses as well as come acute infections. Why do 12,000,000 Germans use it daily for their chronic illnesses and why do 7,000 German physicians administer it in their offices? Because it is a very effective treatment modality.
Why has the U.S. not seen its use become common? Very simply, "money!" The pharmaceutical industry and the FDA are keeping this wonderful tool out of the hands of physicians because it might bankrupt the pharmaceutical industry if it ever got into general usage. It's very simple! Ozone is the safest therapy available on the planet for treatment of illness and might even be the least expensive (if in the hands of the public themselves). How come you don't know about it? They don't want you to!
In the last several years there have been laws passed in 10 states that protect the physician from state medical board harassment and finally great therapies will be more available to the public in these states. These laws allow non-FDA approved therapies to be used between a physician & his patient as long as "duel-consent" is in place and the patient has been thoroughly informed. The states that have passed these laws are:
1. Georgia
2. Texas
3. Nevada
4. New York
5. New Mexico 6. Oklahoma
7. Alaska
8. Washington
9. Colorado
10. North Carolina
We have decided after years of deliberating to offer ozone therapy to our patients with chronic disease. You will be asked as usual to sign many consent forms because this is considered in the U.S. an experimental and investigational therapy, although Germany and many other countries teach it in their medical schools. It is safe, effective and over time can help treat and prevent a myriad of chronic degenerative disease.

И в тоже время:

1987: Доктор Ганс Найпер, применяющий озон врач в Ганновере, ФРГ, сотрудничающий с НАСА, бывший президент Германского Онкологического общества, в интервью с видеожурналистом Джеффом Харш, рассказал о своей работе над раком прямой кишки. Хотя он не мог раскрыть имена своих пациентов, он сказал: "Президент Рейган - очень хороший человек". И: "Вы не представляете, сколько чиновников FDA, их родственников и знакомых приезжают ко мне в Ганновер в качестве пациентов. Вы не поверите, но так же и директора Американской Медицинской Ассоциации, Американской Онкологической Ассоциации, или директора ортодоксальных онкологических институтов. Это факт".

P.S. 2001 year. Already the thirteen states that override the FDA and allow their doctors to use any therapy are: Alaska, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Washington.