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Старый 12.10.2003, 21:16
V. ZAITSEV V. ZAITSEV вне форума Пол мужской
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Алексей Викторович!

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MODERATOR at 1:12 p.m. ET
Kali Ashcroft writes: .There are many cancer clinics in Mexico that are quite effective, but there are just as many if not more that are out to swindle you As a breast cancer survivor I should know. .I would be dead today if it were not for alternative medicine. . The clinics that you featured in your story must have been the bottom of the barrel because I haven't heard of any of them, or any of the treatments they use."
Теперь из сайта «Oasis Hospital», с которым полагаю Вы успели познакомиться.
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Also known as The Contreras Clinic, The Oasis of Hope Hospital has been treating cancer since 1963. It is run by Dr. Ernesto Contreras, M.D. and his son, Dr. Francisco Contreras, M.D. They have treated over 100,000 patients with a good success rate. The hospital is very clean and modern.
. The Oasis of Hope Hospital is a full-service facility with surgical, diagnostic, and intensive care capabilities.
Теперь вопрос, какое отношение имеет эта довольно крупная и известная клиника, в которой используются как традиционные, так и альтернативные методики к той возни, которую Вы тут с таким удовольствием, торжествующе цитируете и цитируете? Как может тридцать лет существовать, развиваться и расширяться ЛУ, если все врачи клиники жулики, а методики шарлатанские? В клинике за эти годы только раковых больных пролечено более 100000 человек, причем с каждым годом количество пациентов увеличивается. Что США страна идиотов, которые несмотря на все отрицательные за тридцать лет существования клиники результаты все едут и едут туда лечиться?
И почему Вы опять с высокомерной самоуверенностью, в своей манере, окрестили врача, о котором первый раз слышите - мексиканским жуликом? Напоминаю краткие справочные данные о нем: Dr Ernesto Contreras, one of Mexico’s leading medical specialists, has operated the Oasis Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico for over 30 years, treating cancer patients with laetrile. Many of his patients have travelled from America where laetrile treatment is currently denied them by law. Dr Contreras received post-graduate training at the Harvard Children’s Hospital in Boston. He has served as the chief pathologist at the Army Hospital in Mexico City and was Professor of Histology and Pathology at the Mexican Army Medical School.
Все остальные врачи клиники тоже жулики и шарлатаны? Почему Вы громогласно сообщаете это на форуме, где они эти заявления не могут увидеть? Я могу предоставить Вам возможность сообщить об этом им лично.
И, наконец, если даже все альтернативное действительно полностью неэффективное и шарлатанское, а пациенты толпами к ним стремятся, то это лишь хорошо характеризует возможности традиционной медицины с химиолучевой терапией и скальпелем.
Я не хочу, продолжать здесь дискуссию по витамину В17, т.к., в отличии от Вас, не берусь судить о том, чего не знаю, но кое - какую любопытную информацию можно почерпнуть из следующей статьи:
Может все же познакомитесь?
Most people know about Laetrile the apricot pit, "cyanide filled" alternative cancer treatment that caused the FDA to raid health food stores and remove apricot pits from the shelves. Most people believed what the news media said about Laetrile. Recently, more anti-laetrile "news" has appeared. This information almost always points to the well-publicized Laetrile test conducted at Sloan-Kettering in the 1970s. The final report stated there was no evidence that Laetrile was effective. .However, employees inside Sloan-Kettering secretly sent copies of the actual lab reports to the press that proved just the opposite. The press ignored the truth; they didn't want to offend some large advertisers.
Dr. Ralph Moss, who was Assistant Director of Public Affairs at Sloan-Kettering, was one of the whistle-blowers. He was fired because of it. The Sloan report was an insult to truth and a prostitution of science, but it is still sighted as the major study that disproves Laetrile. Dr. Moss decided that the truth was too valuable so he fights for alternative cancer treatments to this day. To learn the numerous ways Laetrile was discredited, read The Cancer Industry by Ralph Moss. To see a ton of evidence of the trophoblast theory behind Laetrile as a cancer treatment and simple preventative, read the book World Without Cancer by Griffin. If you don't have time, at least order the video of World Without Cancer clearly the best video about an alternative cancer treatment. You can read a sample of the information in Griffin's book relating to the success rate of conventional treatment including chemo on a separate page of this web site.
Considering Chemo Before an Alternative Cancer Treatment?
.From the 12th December 2002 issue of Journal of the American Medical Association, in a review with James Spencer Malpas, M.D., D.Phil. St. Bartholomew's Hospital London, United Kingdom: "a recent randomized trial of treatment for stage one multiple myeloma by Riccardi and colleagues (British Journal of Cancer 2000;82:1254-60) showed no advantage of conventional chemotherapy over no treatment."
The above statement is in direct contrast to popular belief because of statements like this:
"1998 was truly one of the most exciting years for cancer research," said Harmon Eyre, MD, executive vice president for research and medical affairs for the American Cancer Society (ACS). "While we are closer than ever to finding answers..." followed by a pitch for more donations.
Another doctor's views on medical research in America.
Who is telling the truth?
.In 1986 McGill Cancer Center scientists surveyed 118 oncologist who specialized in lung cancer. They were asked if they would take chemo if they developed lung cancer. Three-quarters replied that they WOULD NOT TAKE CHEMO.

Taken from Reclaiming Our Health by John Robbins, 1996. Published by HJ Kramer, Box 1082, Tiburon, CA 94920.
In 1984 an unusual convention of doctors was held in Chicago. Nine eminent physicians from all over the United States spoke to an auditorium packed with their colleagues. .The name of the conference was Dissent in Medicine. The theme at the conference was the propensity of the nation's medical hierarchy to lie to the public. Among the speakers was Alan S. Levin, M.D., professor of immunology at the University of California, San Francisco, Medical School, "Practicing physicians are intimidated into using regimes which they know do not work. One of the most glaring examples is chemotherapy, which does not work for the majority of cancers."

P.S. Я в плотную не был связан с исследованиями ОТ в онкологии, поэтому избегаю об этом высказываться, несмотря на целый ряд опубликованных работ. Типа:
B. Clavo (a), M. Lloret (a), L. López (a), G. Suárez (a), M. Santana (a), J.L. Pérez (b), V. Rodríguez (c), D. Macías (b), M.A. Hernández (a), R. Martín-Oliva (b), G. Rovira (d) and M Günderoth (e).
(a) Pino Hospital: Radiation Oncology-Research Unit, Las Palmas, (b) Pino Hospital: Medical Physics Unit., Las Palmas, (c) La Paterna Center, Las Palmas, (d) Quiron Clinic, Barcelona, Spain, (e) Helzel Medical Systems,Germany.
Hypoxic tumor cells are 2.5 - 3 times more resistant to radiotherapy, with higher metastatic potential than normoxic cells. Tumor hypoxia is an independent prognostic factor in head and neck and uterine cervix tumors. As has been demonstrated by the meta-analysis of Overgaard and the multicenter clinical trials, hypoxia modification prior to or during the course of radiotherapy can increase the effectiveness of treatment and improve prognosis. Ozonetherapy (O3T) has been used to treat ischemic disorders. This study evaluated the effect of O3T on tumor pO2 in humans. We study 16 patients with advanced or relapsed cancer: Male:Female 13 : 3, between 50 – 91 years old. O3T was carried out by autohemotransfusion 3 alternating days over one week. Tumour pO2 was measured by a polarographic probe system, four times. There were 150-200 determinations every time. During O3T there was significant increase (Friedman test: p = 0.013) in tumor oxygenation and decrease of hypoxic fractions, with prolonged effect. There was inverse and significant correlation between individual "Increase Factor" and "initial pO2 value": higher increase oxygenation in those initially worse oxygenated tumors (Spearman rho = - 0.885, p < 0.001. These findings support that ozone therapy could be a useful adjuvant in treatment of hypoxic tumors.

А озонотерапевтические установки, Евгений Евгеньевич, в Oasis Hospital есть и ни одна.
Но Dr Contreras загорелся приобрести нашу, т.к. в УОТА имеется точная сертифицированная метрология концентрации озона в газовых и жидких средах и микропроцессорный контроль процесса. У меня были большие сомнения по этому контракту, т.к. из-за больших расстояний увеличиваются сложности (и стоимость) поставки оборудования для технического обслуживания или ремонта